WIN a Limited Edition SodaStream ‘Fashion Genesis’ Drinks Maker

If you are over the age of…let’s say…thirty, there is a good chance that you fall into one of two categories. As a child growing up in the 70’s or 80’s you either had a Soda Stream or you were envious of the kid in the neighbor that did. (There was always one wasn’t there?)
I myself fall into the later category. I would have traded my life-savings of Garbage Pail stickers (remember those?) and my sisters My Little Pony collection to get my hands on one of those for just one hour! Oh how I longed to ‘get bizzy with the fizzy.’
So when the opportunity to review one came my way, you may be able to guess who fist pumped the air before high-fiving the bewildered delivery man.
Yeah baby! I’ll take that…thank you very much!
Now for someone who thought this machine was ‘it and a bit’ back in the days when it looked like this…
You can only imagine my delight when I pulled this baby out of the box.
Behold the SodaStream’s Fashion Genesis machine. She’s perdy!
Not only was the unique pattern designed by award-winning European designer Karim Rashid, (making my ever-so-old, ever-so-small kitchen, ever-so-slightly ‘en-vogue’), but it’s slim space-saving design means it doesn’t take up much room on my limited bench space either.
Now, I must admit, I am not a huge fan of children and soft drinks, so I do view the SodaStream as more for Hubbster’s and my own benefit…particularly during the warm summer months, for maybe a cocktail or two! I have even heard whispers of some using them to put bubbles into their wine for some faux-champers!
But, as a treat, I am happy to let my children have the occasional fizzy drink made from SodasStream’s Natural for Kids Apple Syrup.
It is made from natural ingredients, contains fruit concentrates developed especially for kids, and is enriched with 100% RDA of Vitamin C. It contains real fruit content, and is free from all artificial flavours, colourings and sweeteners, and contains no preservatives.
What’s more, I am in control of exactly how much or how little goes into the mixture. But really, in all honesty, my kids are just as excited to have water with bubbles in it.
Another huge bonus of the SodaStream for me, is that it is an ‘active green’ product. It doesn’t require batteries or electricity to operate and it allows me to use water from my own tap – rather than buying plastic bottles and creating more waste. One SodaStream gas cylinder makes 60 litres of carbonated drinks – which equates to 180 aluminium cans or 30 large bottles, and each carbonating bottle is reusable for three years. (It has been estimated that an average family will use 2000 plastic bottles and aluminium cans over the course of three years…which is a bit frightening!)
So, in conclusion, the SodaStream is every bit as awesome as I thought it was as a child. Only now I can also appreciate it for its easy to use, mess-free properties, along with the money saving and environmental benefits thrown in for good measure. Plus they are so much fun to use…and they still make that unmistakable belching noise when you carbonate, which sends the children into fits of inappropriate giggles every time!
The Sodastream is available now in Target stores
Or visit for more information.
So…hands up…who would like to WIN one of their own? We are giving you the chance to get your hands on the stylish SodaStream Fashion Genesis drinks maker.
To enter, simply follow the instructions on the rafflecopter widget below.
Good luck!

Hosted by Three Lil Princesses