People Share How Becoming a Parent Changed Their Perspective on Life

Becoming a parent is quite literally life-changing. Not only do you spend every waking hour caring for another human being, and probably worrying about them too, it can have a profound effect on the way you start to view the world. There is something very humbling about no longer being the most important person in your own life!
Today on Reddit, parents have been sharing how becoming a parent changed their perspective on life, and it’s so relatable! Here’s just some of our favourite comments:
Becoming a parent shattered my illusions of invincibility. Suddenly, the world seemed infinitely more precarious, every news story of tragedy hitting like a physical blow. It’s realizing that you’re responsible for this tiny, fragile life, and the weight of that responsibility is suffocating. But amidst the fear and uncertainty, there’s a profound clarity – every decision carries unimaginable consequences, and every moment becomes an opportunity to protect, nurture, and cherish. It’s a heartbreaking awakening to the fragility of life, but also a poignant reminder of its immense value. (NationalMegamind)
Becoming a parent turned me into a morning person… not by choice, but by toddler. (GeekGuruji)
I’m less angry. I used to get easily frustrated and my anger manifested physically (stomping, slamming doors etc) but I really didn’t want that for my daughter so I’m more chill now.
I think about death more. My sense of self preservation is higher due to my desire to want to be around for my daughter. (Agitated_Ball304)
Becoming a parent is like getting a promotion. You have more responsibilities, everyone looks up to you, and somehow you end up with less money. (JennyFromTheBlockJok)
After having my daughter, the things that used to matter so much like work or whatever drama was happening that day just doesn’t matter anymore. There’s just no time to worry about how you might look to other people. It’s just not important what some stranger thinks about me when I’m making a stupid face or sound at my kid so she smiles at me.
Being a good father to her, making sure she knows she’s loved unconditionally, and raising her right is what matters most. Everything else like work and shit is now just a means to giving her a better life. Love for your kid is so much more intense than anything you’ll ever experience. (Mrevilman)
I went from being the main character in my story, to a supporting role in theirs. It’s an amazing feeling and huge positive shift from where I was before my daughter was born. (whiskeyandcoke)
I love my kids but… They showed me how much of a dickhead I was at their age. Sorry Mom and Dad. (ElasticTomorrow)
Learned that living in chaos is sometimes ok and to embrace the moments.
Toys everywhere, coach cushions scattered on the floor, finger paint on the table, food crumbs in places you’d never think. This is their childhood and these are GOOD messes to have. Sure, often it’s exhausting cleaning it up after they go to bed (they are still too young to help clean it up) but I know that it’s all temporary and one day my wife and I will look at each other at the end of the day and realize there is no one else home with us anymore. Oh man, this is making me tear up a bit.
Life is just a series of temporary stages and having kids is the one stage where others are truly relying on you for survival, entertainment, care, etc. that stage will all be over someday sooner than I think. I realize how important it is to be present since I will not get to relive this most important period of my life. (jackospades88)
Dad here. Daughter is 6.
Did you know the world is still sexist? I was shocked when I started seeing it through her eyes. My line of work caters to clients who are well-off, if not full on wealthy… every single training the examples are about Mr. Smith. Whenever I ran trainings I started flipping them… even if the slide said “Mr. Smith” I would read either “Mrs” or even “ms” Smith. Sometimes people would comment on it and I would simply respond “did you know women can be successful too?”
I just want to see my daughter be successful one day and I want her treated the same as any man would be.
Small example but there you are. (secondphase)
I’m far more grounded now and live in the present. Before, I often got lost in thinking of the future and dwelled too much on the past. My daughter doesn’t care about either of those and forces me to live in the here and now which is a good place to be. (RoxiKeogh)
I’m more comfortable choosing things that I am genuinely interested in doing and saying no to things that aren’t for me. I’m picky about who and what I spend my time on because I have to be.
Sometimes, this can cause conflict but honestly I am only interested in cultivating more peace, wealth, and opportunities in my life. I want my daughter to know that life is not happening around you, it is built through your actions and interactions with others.
I used to feel that the future was a bit pointless and unpredictable. Now I see the future as a constant unfolding of the things I work on in the present. (MercurialBees)
I’ve gotten to the point where I can usually draw a line between poor behavior and the conditions that led to the poor behavior (bad sleep, perceived slight, etc.) with my children. This has significantly increased my overall ability to forgive other people and my general levels of empathy. Plus, the way I recognize now that even if I’m technically an adult (like, I’m 40…) I’m just winging it most days — has taught me that this is true of so many people I encounter. (surprise_witches)
I see everyone in the world as someone’s kid. Especially people who are struggling with homelessness, addiction, mental health issues, etc. At one time, they were a beautiful baby being held by someone who loves them, much like I held my own kids. They probably brought so much joy and purpose to their families, who never dreamed that their child would end up in the streets. (MSTFFA)
I’ve realized that a full night of sleep is the most underrated luxury in the universe. (Affectionate-Work424)
It made me think about a timeline beyond my own. Without kids, you plan to live and die and that’s it, let the rest of the world burn. With kids, you have to imagine their lives and how you can do better for them and for life beyond yourself. It’s humbling and terrifying and beautiful. (CivilSpectacle)
I’ve learned how delicate and precious life is. I’m now responsible for another human being and I worry every day about his safety and well being. Of course I’ve worried about family, but this is a whole different level. (PhilGandah)
Well since having a special needs kid, I learned that I really needed to learn patience and in turn its helped with my relationships as well because I’m more forgiving of others for the little things. (Potential-Cod-6196)
It put into perspective how much my parents actually love me, based on the love I have for my son. It completely changed how I viewed them, and all of the sacrifices they made for me and my siblings. I now appreciate every little detail of how they cared for me growing up, and forgave them for things they were doing their best with.
It also made me realize how dangerous the world is, how horrible people can be, and how I need to ensure my child has all of the tools to be able to have a beautiful life, despite these things.
My son has made me more tolerant, more compassionate, more patient, self-aware, and emotionally intelligent. Most of all, he has made me remember the joys and challenges of childhood. He has helped heal my inner-child that I didn’t know needed love, and has overall given me purpose and a wonderful reason for living.
I never thought I’d be a parent, I never thought I COULD be one, let alone one that I could be proud of. Thank you universe for giving me exactly what I needed, right on time. Thank you for giving me the gift of being my son’s mother. (Woormsanddirt8)
Has your perspective on life changed since you became a parent?