People Share the Inappropriate Things They Said or Did as Kids, and CRINGE!

Kids say the darndest things sometimes don’t they? Today the good folk of Reddit are sharing things that they said or did as kids that they only realised was inappropriate later, and we have to admit, some are pretty funny! Here’s just some of the best ones.
When I was about five, I went through an entrepreneurial phase. I used to go around picking flowers out of the neighbors’ flower beds, then ringing their doorbell and trying to sell them their own flowers. (Sue_D_Nim1960)
When I was 6, there was a TV drama or something that featured an older person dying. I didn’t understand it. Later that day while grandma was bathing me I asked when she was going to die. My mom told me I made grandma cry that day. (beyonddisbelief)
Somewhere around 5? Years old, my parents hosted Thanksgiving. At the table, one of the adults asked if there was anything new with me. I responded “my dad picks his boogers and eats them”. I still clearly recall the shocked silence. I’m 56 now. (Salty-Sarge2021)
When I was 6/7 my pet mouse died. We buried it in the back yard. The next day my older cousin came to visit. I dug it up and put it back in the cage bc I thought she’d also like to pay her respects. My mom was like “No honey, it’s disrespectful. You have to let the dead be at peace.” (Quinnlyness)
I called my mom a cocksucker when I was like 10. Had no idea what it meant. (whattheduce86)
My favorite cartoon growing up was The Angry Beavers. They had an episode where they record a smash hit called “Beaver Fever.” I can vividly remember being maybe 5 years old and singing, “HE’S GOT THE BEAVER FEVER, BEAVER FEVER” at the top of my lungs in public and my mom struggling to shush me and me not knowing why. (Ok_Ad_9188)
So my parents couldn’t afford daycare – my dad was still in college and my mom worked part time, so it made more sense for me to stay home and all that. They had friends who had kids my age, so that’s where I got my early social skills.
When I was 5 or 6, one kid was talking about how he went to daycare. I said, very loudly, that “I don’t go to daycare because my parents want to spend time with ME.”
My parents were mortified then, but now it’s one of the funniest stories they’ve got from my childhood. (eleldelmots)
We used to playfully say “I’m banging your buns like a bongo”, while doing just that to our young kids. We stopped doing that the moment our 4-year old daughter walked up to her middle aged gymnastics coach and banged his buns like a bongo. (TheTailessWunder)
i was walking into a gas station and a cop was walking out. he had a coffee in his hand and did what any reasonable person would do and reminded him that he had forgotten his donuts. i didnt realize for a while why my mom covered my mouth and apologized profusely. (Imahappyaccidents)
Smacking women’s butts. I’m talkin everywhere. Boyyyy, I was a bad ass lil 4 year old, they had to nip that in the bud quick. (SkyHighDeadEve)
Do you remember doing anything inappropriate as a kid that you now look back on and laugh or cringe at?