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People Share the Things That Make Them Feel Suddenly Old and We Can Totally Relate

Last weekend we celebrated my oldest child turning 18, and although it was a joyous occasion, I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness at the fact time had gone so quickly. Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? When I had three kids under the age of three, getting through the day sometimes felt like a week! Yet here we are 15 years later, and I feel dazed that we got here so fast, like someone hit a fast forward button!

I must admit it came as a bit of shock to my inner voice (y’know, the ‘you’ that lives inside your head?) who still thinks she’s a cool 20-something-year-old, that she is in fact now in her mid-forties. You’d have thought the tell-tale grey hairs sprouting at her temples might have clued her in sooner, but no, apparently not!

It got me thinking about how when we hit a certain age, life will deliver us little moments in time when we are starkly reminded that time has marched on far more quickly than we noticed. I wasn’t the only one pondering this phenomenon, it seems, as I was drawn to an internet discussion forum on this very topic, and found myself nodding away like a dashboard bobble head at the things people were sharing.

things that make you feel old

20 Observations Guaranteed to You Make You Feel Old

How many of the following ‘OMG, I feel old’ realisations can you relate to?

I was talking with the daughter of a friend, she’s 15, she told me “Harry Potter is an old people thing, I wasn’t even born yet” (TwinkleSunshines)

Reading entertainment headlines and realizing you have no idea who they are talking about anymore. (sheikhyerbouti)

Realizing that kids today think the ‘90s were “the olden days” (Dazzling-Lyla)


Having to have a nap after a big meal. (Lay2013)

What makes me feel the oldest is seeing how technology has changed. I remember when having a flip phone was the coolest thing, and spending afternoons blowing on Super Nintendo cartridges to make them work better. Now, everything is so fast and digital that I feel like I belong to another era. (spicybaexo)

Celebrities. I watch so much old tv and movies so when I see them today it’s a shock they’ve aged and I go, “Ah crap that means i have too.” (CameDownForWhat)

What really makes me feel old is seeing how much technology has advanced. I remember when, if you wanted to watch your favorite show, you had to be in front of the TV at the exact time, because if you missed it, there was no going back. Nowadays, everything is on demand, with streaming and endless marathons. And don’t even get me started when I hear someone say that 90s music is “old”… that really hits hard! (SpicyBitesxx)


Doctors are younger than me now (kingaling0121)

My wife. She’s always like “you know, you used to get excited about a new movie, or a game, and go to shows and be in the pit and all that. Now you get excited if you see a nice pepper grinder that you like that’s on sale.”

Biiiiiiiitch haha she’s not wrong though, I do enjoy me some nice kitchen equipment now (ThorGambinoson)

People born in 2006 are 18 now… (psebasto)

That the 90’s were not, in fact, 10 years ago

Going to Target and seeing all the 90’s clothes that are back in style. Made me think, oh this is how my mom felt when back in the 90’s I was wearing bell bottoms because they were retro. (YoghurtSnodgrass)

Catching myself saying, “Kids these days…” (GracefulkBreeze)

I recently said “when I was young” in a conversation and something in me aged a decade. (20MinutesOvertime)

Realizing that I now need glasses to read the fine print and that my favorite childhood songs are now considered ‘classics’! (Fantastic_chick)

Realizing I have to scroll wayyy down to find my birth year in those online forms. (LittleCutieAnnika)

Being unable to understand new slang with or without context. (professorstrangluv)


Taking time off from exercising. If I keep things moving, I feel amazing. If I take a week off or even spend the whole day sitting, I feel like hell. (MsHMFIC1)

Spending weekends crocheting and baking (SlimyToy)

Driving past places in towns that I grew up in, and not seeing buildings that used to be where they were. (My house specifically). (Playful-Sarcastic-)

My knee hurts when it rains (No_Discussion719)

What would you add?


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Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.

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