Maternity Fashion: Tips for Maternity Style During Your Pregnancy

Comfort and feeling good about yourself are key to dressing during pregnancy. However, while finding your own personal maternity style is really important, it is sometimes not so easy. Not only is your body embracing a whole new shape, but it is doing it gradually enough that what may feel fantastic in your first trimester just doesn’t work in your third trimester.
As a breastfeeding and maternity wear specialist store, Mamaway’s team knows what you’re going through. Here are our top tips for getting the style you want during pregnancy without blowing your budget.
First Trimester – Missing Bump!
The Facts: Your cute bump is non-existent. But your breasts are likely to be feeling a little explosive and, although your “normal” clothes still fit, they don’t sit as nicely as they used to. Add a little nausea to the mix and getting dressed can very quickly become no fun at all.
Solution: First up – Don’t fret, you’re making a baby!
Second, now is the time to invest in one or two maternity/breastfeeding tops. Getting them now means you’ll really get your wear out of them and it will help mark the excitement of the occasion when, to the rest of the world, it’s still a big secret.
Rule number one – avoid tops that are tent like and billowy. At this point in the pregnancy they don’t work in your favour. The same goes for extremely tight clingy clothes. Save these for later in the pregnancy when you’ve got an impressive bump to show off. Tunics are a great choice. While fitted across the shoulders and arms, a tunic flows gracefully down your middle disguising any signs of what could be confused for too much lunch!
An exception to the anti-cling rule is a tank top, which can highlight your very sexy bust explosion. Throw a nursing tank on with a body skimming cardigan for a stunning easy look.
Second Trimester – On a budget
The Facts: Your “old” pants are done for and it’s time to start letting the world know that you’ve got a little person on board.
Solution: You can now safely invest in one or two pairs of comfy maternity pants and a few tops that highlight your growing bump.
A well made pair of maternity jeans or pants will become your safe pregnant place when all else ceases to work. They’ll also be a comfortable choice during the post natal period when you’ll need something to get you through until you’re body returns to its pre-pregnant state.
Invest in at least one pair of good quality maternity bottoms, if nothing else.
As for tops, look for pieces that are loosely fitted with just a touch of gathering up the sides as this will help to flaunt the shape of your bump. Diagonal lines and horizontal stripes with bold colours are particularly flattering on a pregnant shape and also help to give a bit of definition to your pregnant look.
Third Trimester – Milky Boobies
The Facts: You can feel like your boobs are busting out all over.
Solution: Now is the ideal time to go maternity bra shopping as your normal bras are likely to feel uncomfortable and rub on your ever expanding belly. Bear in mind that your breasts will explode just a little more after giving birth and then take a few weeks to settle into their breastfeeding size. So choosing something that offers support and stretch to cater for these changes is very important.
If your bust is on the larger side, there are now nursing bras available which offer low-gauge wire support which can be safely worn during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These are especially designed to flex and change position to adapt to your body’s changing shape.
We hope these tips have helped. Please visit our Facebook page and let us know your favourite maternity fashion tips.