The Toy That Women are Worshipping for Giving Them a Blended Orgasm

New Goal – Blended Orgasm!
That’s right ladies! Apparently, your morning smoothie isn’t the only thing you could be blending! A blended orgasm, in case you aren’t lucky enough to already know, is when you have simultaneous orgasms (two or more) at the same time! Wondering how? Well, according to some very happy and hilarious reviewers, if you are in the market for some serious mind-blowing pleasure, you can’t go past the Womaniser Womanizer Duo Rechargeable G-Spot and Clitoral Stimulator!

Need convincing? Check out what women (and their partners) have to say about this handheld miracle worker!
Yes yes yes yes yes
I died and saw Jesus. Then was resurrected but couldn’t walk after. It was out of this world. Just go buy it and you’ll forever be smiling. You and your va-jj :u1F970:
You ladies deserve this. All of you.
Start the carrrrrr orrrr cha-Ching—-pull your card out and do it. You won’t regret it!!!!
Diarrhea Inducing Orgasms
Hi you yes you if you’re after a seizure inducing, space explorative, explosive and full throttled experience that will literally shake your body and soul into tomorrow. Then get this stimulating machine, it’ll replace your husband your hand and your best friend. Say goodbye to good orgasms’ and say hi to great orgasms. The power will force you to call them by a dominant name, mine is Charlie and boy does it rock my vagina.
Bottom Line: I was sick of good orgasms’ so I stepped it up to incredible orgasms
Pros: made me cum into the new week like cat woman, I literally was orgasming for weeks
Cons: The price is a little high but then again so is my sex drive
RELATED ARTICLE: If These Hilarious Reviews Don’t Convince You That You Need a Clitoral Stimulator in Your Life, Nothing Will!
Buy nothing else ever
Nothing else , throw every else out and play with this and you will never turn back
Bottom Line:Life changing
Leg shaking for many minutes later
Pros:Internal orgasms and not over stimulate clit. Once you know how to have internal you won’t go back.
Cons: Nothing!

So I’ve been using toys and my hands for self-pleasure for decades and thought I had had every type of orgasm under the sun. But no, I was wrong, very wrong. This has absolutely blown my mind. It guarantees numerous orgasms every time. I have to literally force myself to stop my sessions for fear that I might pass out from the intensity of the orgasms. I’ve cried several times; tears have just been gushing down my face beyond my control, and my body has shaken beyond what I thought was possible… and the core workout that goes along with it makes it quite the workout.
I just want everyone that I know and love to try one, at least once in their lives. What a treat!
Bottom Line: It feels too good to be true
Pros: The multiple orgasms (seemingly endless too!)
Cons: Nada
Different…but good
I wont bore everyone with the packaging and the delivery because, really, does it matter?
The only thing that matters is the item it self.
This toy is by far the loudest one we own but that being said, it wont be heard through any walls. This toy is NOT all grunt no punt. The noise is backed up by powerful vibrations and the clit sucker is also very powerful.
Fire time using it was strange as i have never experienced a toy that can vibrate and suck at the same time. Once i got used to it (roughly 10 seconds) it was amazing. I only last about another 20 seconds after that before exploding with joy. This toy should come with a disclaimer “may cause you to ruin the sheets” as I certainly did.
Oh my lord!!
This toy is in a league of its own. Once you get the hang of the settings it is utterly amazing. I advise that you start low and work your way up. My partner and I got a little ambitious on the first try and my orgasms were completely out of control. Wicked man was just laughing as I lost my mind completely as I couldn’t stop cumming. He loves what this does to me and so do I. If you have the settings a little lower you can just edge as long as you want before getting down and dirty with your other half. It made me more insatiable than usual and we both loved it.
The internal arm is firm but with a nice range of motion to get it in the right place. The “clit sucker” is just so nice when happily thrumming away. And together they are a match made in heaven.
Outstanding when you let your partner drive or absolutely perfect for solo play.
Bottom Line: Utterly mind blowing. Buy yourself one, really, it’s worth the money, you will not regret it.
Pros: Once we got the hang of the controls my partner loved what it did to me. Made me want him even more.
Cons: Pretty much love everything about it.

What women need
Bring back lock downs I’m ready to spend my days in bed. The product is easy to use and extremely good looking, I have to say I was worried about the shape and how it was going to fit with me anatomically but it’s 100% works. First use was absolutely mind blowing the sensation you feel is like nothing else I’ve felt before almost confusing and scary but once you relax and put your trust into it it you climax within seconds! The orgasm was so big I launched the toy across the room with panic! This has not deterred me from trying it again. If there is any toy that will make men obsolete this is the one! Tell your friends, your mam, your aunty and your sisters, do not keep this product secret everyone needs to feel this experience! Good luck girls and enjoy the ride x
Don’t think I will ever have sex with a man again!!!! This is the most amazing toy I have ever had!!!! Perfect Christmas present!! I have never squirted until now! I have never know an orgasm like it!!! Yeah it’s pricey but well worth it. I was a bit wary of the price at first but I’ve never looked back! Best investment
Next Level
Ok so I’ve had the duo since August and and I’ve just had to be peeled off the ceiling for the 80th time since buying it.This will give you some serious next-level orgasm. everytime I look at it I can’t help but think it looks like a flaccid penis. I don’t recall being part of the design team but this was definitely designed with my anatomy in mind. It fits perfectly and and as soon I start using it I can have the most mind-blowing blended orgasm that I have ever had in my life in a matter of minutes!It comes with two different sized heads so you can find the perfect fit for your Body and it is a lot of fun finding out which one gives the best results.It is also one of the very few toys that I actually find easy using hands-free. Legs closed bum into the mattress and let those waves flow.It has several patterns available but I will be honest I tend to use this on a constant rhythm and make my way through the 12 intensities. There’s no need to worry about how noisy it is because I can assure you, you will be noisier! just make sure the kids are out trust me!
I hit the ceiling (3 times)
Oh my oh my ! This is probably not a beginners toy. If you have a few standards already in your collection and want something new to add spice and variety….this is THE ONE. Even on a first outing, I climaxed within a minute – without even playing around with the various buttons. Once mastered this is a truly awesome and exceptional toy. Great gift for someone special. IE : Go ahead and treat yourself.

Love of my life
Okay so I have been eyeing off the womanizer duo for a while now. I already have the Greedy Girl Rabbit and the Womanizer and I LOVE that combo together, it’s never failed me but the Womanizer Duo being a combination of those two toys had me curious and excited. The price tag put me off and I always told myself I didn’t need it and couldn’t justify spending the money. The guy I am seeing has gone overseas and I figured I deserved to treat myself and there was no better time to do it whilst he was gone and I needed a little extra TLC….and thats exactly what I got and so much more. wow. You get what you pay for. As soon as it arrived, I knew this was different than any sex toy I had used before. Even the packaging was beautiful and intentionally designed to be aesthetically pleasing. Within 2 minutes of using the duo for the first time I was having the most amazing orgasm and all i could think was “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE” I love most sex toys but this one is a world above the rest. You can even set the toy to remember your last combination of settings so you can pick up right where you left off! It even stayed perfectly in place leaving me free to just literally sit back and enjoy the ride to orgasm town. This toy is an investment that everybody with a clit needs to own.
I started to pray
I decided to wait till all the children were out of the house so i could be relaxed. So finally on a nice saturday afternoon i had my chance. I laid in bed got myself all prepared and then i began. Well i decided to put it on full force on both settings, that was a big mistake. Anyway after inserting the dildo the clitoral simulator found my clitoris and it turned on. Good god i thought i was going to take off. The sensation was so powerful i have never ever felt anything like it in my life. Thank the lord that this is designed so you had hold it with your thighs as i needed both my hands to hold onto the bed. I felt like i was being possessed by the devil. I had no control over what my body was doing or the moans and growns that were coming out of me. Whilst my eyes were rolling in the back of my head from the immense pleasure and my body was doing things i had no control over in a matter of minutes i had come. But i could not move my thighs so the duo kept going on and on. I wont denie it i did say a little prayer to god as i wasnt sure i would survive. This time i will admit i was scared because if the first time i had used this that happened what was going to happen next? Well what happened was i came even quicker, by this time i could hardly feel any part of my body but i knew i had to get this vibrator off some how because i couldnt survive another round. Some how i managed to move it far away from my clit so it would stop. And then another prayer to god was in order. After what felt like hours i was finally able to move. My legs were like jelly and i felt very very strange. I went to the toilet for a wee and mother of marry when i wiped myself i nearly jolted of the toilet my clit was still throbbing. Not going to lie did think about getting the frozen veg out of the freezer to see if that would calm it down but thought it had best not to. The only dilemma i had was what do you get a vibrator who has just given you the best orgasm you had had in a long time and also made you scared to use it again? I decided on a nice anti bac wipe and put it away
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