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TIT BITS Podcast with Shanelle Franklin and Tamara Linke


What do you get when you cross comedy duo and stars of the hit podcast series ‘The Beautiful Nightmare’ with one of Australia’s leading parenting websites?

A bloody good laugh, and possibly a wee reminder to do your Kegel exercises!

Shanelle Franklin and Tamara Linke are teaming up with Mums Lounge to bring you TIT BITS.

Join the fun every Thursday as they take a look at some of the trending topics and viral stories making waves online and getting chins a-wagging.

Ever wondered how you’d react if your mother in-law turned up to your wedding wearing her wedding dress> or if selling the contents of your vacuum cleaner to strangers online is a viable side-hustle? No topic is off the table.

So grab yourself a cuppa, and get ready to give your laughing gear a workout. Activewear optional!


Episode 79 – Take Me to Jail

Think about your bucket list for a minute. Visit Rome, climb a mountain, learn French? All completely acceptable things. Not for 104 year old Loretta! She’s got big plans.

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Episode 78 – Cheap Chook

Would you buy a cheap chook from the supermarket? Karen would.

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Episode 77 – Lady is Baggage

A 74 year old Russian woman finds out what’s behind the baggage claim at the airport.
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Episode 76 – The Big Zoom Jerk Off

In October, a reporter for the New Yorker thought he’d give himself a little light relief whilst on a break from his Zoom meeting. Let’s face it, no one likes a sticky keyboard…

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Episode 75 – Banana Strap On

Nothing like a week old banana strapped to the wall with gaffer tape to make art lovers froth with excitement! Find out what happened when Tron founder bought this fruity instillation for a cool 4.9 million pounds.

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Episode 74 – Doodle at the Urinal Revisited

We’re celebrating our Best Comedy Podcast win with one of our faves!

Is it ok to use the men’s toilets as a woman? And is it ok to chastise a man using a urinal whilst said ladies are in the men’s toilet?? Discuss.

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Episode 73 – Old Town Road

Take a trip to the 80’s and 90’s where Blockbuster video was a trip out of the house and Ying Yang and Peace sign jewellery was all the rage.

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Episode 72 – Pizza, Drugs and the Vatican

It’s a double whammy this week with two episodes for the price of one. Not giving anything away, but the title says it all…

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Episode 71 – Baluga Spy

A Baluga whale named Hvladamir was found dead off a Norwegian coast. Who dunnit and what’s the story of this Russian spy of the sea?

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Episode 70 – Time Limit on Hugs

The Kiwis have put a hug limit on hugging (spoiler alert- it’s 3 minutes).

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Episode 69 – But It’s Free!

So is it really bad to on sell something you received from someone else for free?? You may have a quick change of mind after workshopping this baby!

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Episode 68 – That’s My Bench!

Can you reserve a park bench legally? This episode will fill you in on your reservation rights!

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Episode 67 – Fame Game

Pop start Chapelle Roan refuses to cop abuse and harassment just cos she’s famous. But is that really the price of fame?

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Episode 66 – Land the Damn Place

Imagine being on a plane, enjoying your peanuts, when you hear the announcement- ‘Sorry, we have to divert the plane, the pilot is unqualified to land it.’. (Insert choking on nuts here).

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Episode 65 – Supermarket Fail

Tamara shares her own weekend shopping crisis which really screwed up her meal planning. Ugh, the problems we have right?!

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Episode 64 – Just Chop It Off

Would you chop off a body part all for the sake of an Olympic medal? Yep, he did.

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Episode 63 – Fanny Towel

Does it get on your goat when people take it upon themselves to treat your home as their own? Brings a whole new meaning to ‘make yourself at home!’

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Episode 62 – Cayenne for Kids

One woman only agrees to have a baby with her partner, if, and only if, he buys her a brand spanking new car. (We also chat a lot about belly button fluff which has nothing to do with this talk topic…)

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Episode 61 – Baby Bikinis

Thoughts on dressing your 9 month old in a bikini from your in-laws? Go!

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Episode 60 – Chocolate Stealer

The short lesson from this story is: don’t let your neighbours in the house if you value your duty free.

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Episode 59 – Hawt Dog

Joe Chestnut made the wrong decision when he signed a deal with a vegan food company. There’s one world record he won’t be holding onto for much longer…

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Episode 58 – Don’t Touch the Baby

Don’t you just hate it when people touch your baby without asking? Totally. One woman learnt her lesson the hard way.

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Episode 57 – Ding Dong Ditch

Oh the price you pay for answering the door. But pay back is a bitch!

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Episode 56 – Karen at the Pick Up

One bloke with bowel issues, turns to Reddit to confirm his complaint about a Karen at school pick up.

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Episode 55 – The Slap

As parents it’s hard to give your kids advice at the best of times – but what happens when you buck the gentle parenting approach?

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Episode 54 – Dine and Dash

Ever wanted to do a runner at a restaurant ‘dine and dash’ style? One Welsh family thought this was a smashing idea and did just that.

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Episode 53 – Blokes Home Alone

Blokes home alone and left to their own devices. What do they get up to?

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Episode 52 – Chechnya

The banning of particular types of music is a sad reality for many people the world over. How specific does it get? We’re talking Beats Per Minute!!

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Episode 51 – Face Time

Face timing in cafes. Yes or no?

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Episode 50 – I Like Big Boobs and I Cannot Lie

Man says: ‘Don’t get a breast reduction! I like big boobs!’. Wife says: ‘Get F%#$ed Kevin!’. Yep, one of those episodes…

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Episode 49 – Ultra Weird Ultrasound

Good idea to take your 8 year old to EVERY ultrasound appointment you have? Probs not.

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Episode 48 – Phones and Films

The cinematic experience can be influenced heavily by whom you go with, what snacks you choose or the other cinema goers surrounding you. One disgruntled patron found out the hard way, there’s no point in throwing popcorn at people’s heads to solve a problem.

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Episode 47 – Doodle at the Urinal

Is it ok to use the men’s toilets as a woman? And is it ok to chastise a man using a urinal whilst said ladies are in the men’s toilet?? Discuss.

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Episode 46 – OnlyFans

Ever thought about signing up for an Only Fans page for some extra dough? (Who hasn’t?) Just don’t hide it from your partner. They’re gonna find out…

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Episode 45 – Faking It

It’s mystery shopping but in a hospital. Can these patients really pull off this risky hospital scam?

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Episode 44 – Big Kev

When a private boys school introduces co-education, a silent protest causes ripples through the community (and potentially those cleanly pressed shirts).

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Episode 43 – Dirty, Exhausted Pigeon

Spy pigeons. This episode is about spy pigeons.

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Episode 42 – 000 911 999

Calling the emergency number can be a little dicey when you’re not too sure how much of an ’emergency’ you’re really in. But death by kebab? I wonder…

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Episode 41 – Bad Grandpa

One naughty Grandpa pits his family against one another in a dark game of ‘how many hours did you spend with Grandpa?’

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Episode 40 – Present Stealer

Mother-in-Laws can sometimes be a little over bearing. But this one really takes the cake whilst planning her daughter-in-law’s baby shower.

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Episode 39 – Haggis Snack

This episode is brought you by HAGGIS- a delicious Scottish delicacy; a savoury pudding containing sheep’s pluck inside a sheep’s stomach. (You’re welcome).

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Episode 38 – Crocodile

Never smile at a crocodile. Or perhaps just don’t go out fishing in croc infested waters.

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Episode 37 – Bad Santa

For Christmas, have you ever received lingerie from you father-in-law? Or perhaps a leaf blower when you live in an apartment block! Nite-marys dish out some of the worst Christmas gifts you could ever hope to re-gift.

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Episode 36 – Ninja Skunk

So what is a Ninja Skunk?? Good question. We weren’t sure either until this little gym story clarified everything.

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Episode 35 – Kindy Mum

Who are these people that feel entitled enough to put unreasonable demands on kindy teachers? We’ve found one, and she’s a cracker.

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Episode 34 – Snake Bite

Here’s some great advice- don’t pick up a snake. Ever.

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Episode 33 – Your Plane is Boarding!

So hailing a bus is not the same as hailing a plane. Or is it??? One woman flying from Canberra to Adelaide seems to think so.

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Episode 32 – No Respect, No Service!

Imagine being charged extra at a restaurant just because you have kids. Yep, that’s what one restauranteur owner in Georgia, U.S.A decided was just what was needed to put those loose parents in their place (and straight back to Burger King…!)

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Episode 31 – Creepy Clowns

Halloween is here! And what better way to celebrate this pagan ritual then to head to Scotland, where one creepy clown is terrorising the neighbourhood.

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Episode 30 – Diamonds are Forever

One bloke turns to Reddit to work out if it’s weird his brother gave his wife a $3000 diamond necklace, and the gals chat about what the hell you do with your ex-partners jewellery.

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Episode 29 – Can’t Touch This

How many times must people be told? If you see a pregnant belly DO NOT TOUCH IT! Feel free to ask, but be prepared to be kicked to the kerb by an angry people building machine!

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Episode 28 – Secrets Men Keep

You wouldn’t think they’d be much on a day to day basis men could possibly hide up in the ol’ noggin, but you’d be surprised to know there are some things we never even clocked!

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Episode 27 – Checkout Dogs

Are savage dogs really the future of supermarket security? Will self-service checkouts mandate our tomatoes? And how long will Red Rock Deli chips remain at $9.75? All of these answers and more in this outrageous episode of TIT BITS.

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Episode 26 – Birth Poop

It’s fairly common, but no one really wants to admit they pooped whilst giving birth. One partner shuts down a humiliating moment with one shocking admission.

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Episode 25 – Wedding Blunders

Weddings- they make us laugh, they make us cry. But when a bride stacks it down an embankment, bridesmaids poo themselves, or the mother of the bride knocks herself out with a champagne bottle, it’s all we can do stop ourselves from wetting ourselves.

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Episode 24 – The Vasectomy

A sister ruins her brother’s life at one family BBQ. Pass the sausages please!

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Episode 23 – Tit for Tat

It’s an interesting debate- should you get a day off to take care of you if it’s Mother’s/Father’s Day? One dad doesn’t quite get the irony of his very own Father’s Day arrangement.

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Episode 22 – The Fixer

Husband refuses to fix his wife’s appliance bungles after she mows over the sprinkler system. First world problems right there Brayden!

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Episode 21 – Fart Shame

Are you allowed to fart in your house, or is there a dictatorship where you’re the victim?

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Episode 20 – Wife Pleaser

Semantics are important when you’re talking about articles of clothing. There’s a new tank top in town for blokes, so watch out fellas.

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Episode 19 – Psycho Secos

Have you ever been kicked out of a bar stone cold sober? Many have, and thanks to over zealous security guards, it may never stop.

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Episode 18 – The Anti Washer

Do you ALWAYS wash your hands after you’ve been to the toilet? One woman declares to the world she often doesn’t- and she’s owning it.

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Episode 17 – Emojis

Emoji’s are shaping the way we communicate, and are the lexicon we are forced to embrace. But be careful which emoji you use! It may come back to bite you in the arse like one unfortunate Canadian company.

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Episode 16 – Tight Ass

Do you have a freeloading friend or relative who always dodges the bill? This week, one woman hatches a fool proof plan to give her sister-in-law some much needed cosmic karma.

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Episode 15 – Bikini Bottom

When two backgrounds collide in controversy littered with bikinis and shame.

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Episode 14 – Embarrassing Mum

When your mum starts flirting with waiters at cafe’s on your behalf, things will never end well. One anxiety ridden daughter has had this displeasure her whole dating life.

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Episode 13 – Rogue Babysitter

Being gas lit by your babysitter is one thing, but the ongoing issue of posting your kids online takes one dad over the edge.
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Episode 12: The Creep

Breast milk. Father in-laws. Two things that really shouldn’t go together. One father in-law would wholeheartedly disagree.

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Episode 11: Pee Stick

How would you tell your partner you were pregnant? A surprise video? Write it on a cake? Homing pigeon? One husband bites off more than he can chew when he finds an exciting surprise in his dessert.

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Episode 10: Shut It and Shoosh!

One vegan family are serious about shutting down their neighbours when it comes to dinner time.

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Episode 9: Stepping Out

It’s always a bit dicey when it comes to responsibilities as a step-parent. One mum has a Mother’s Day moral dilemma, but quickly faces the backlash from Reddit Users.

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Episode 8: Jimmy Crickets

Kids can be fussy, and it’s stressful trying to fill them with nutritional goodness. One mum’s solved all of our issues in one fell swoop.

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Episode 7: Your Mic’s On!

Have you ever said something that’s been caught on video, to survive forever, never to be erased?

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Episode 6: Bitty Boobs

Would you let someone else breast feed your child? Discuss.

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Did you know masturbating whilst on your period could really be a cure-all for all of those wretched symptoms we suffer from each month? Yep, it’s a thing, and we’re digging it.

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What do you get when you cross a billionaire magnate with a woke award winning musician? ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is the short answer. Grimes expresses her distaste for the term ‘mother’ and why it’s not a label she’s comfortable using.

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An angry pregnant woman rejects her husbands request to witness the birth of their child. Not before berating him for being upset about it. Is he too soft for feeling vulnerable or is he the poster boy for non-toxic masculinity?

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Imagine coming home to find your neighbours hosting a kids birthday party in YOUR POOL!  Yep, that happened, and the internet’s getting  pissed!

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What do you do when you’ve downed 5 litres of detox shakes before your wedding day in order to combat the dreaded bloat? One bride makes the wrong choice on the dance floor, with only dire consequences.

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Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.