6 Scientific Benefits of Going on an Adventure Holiday

6 Scientific Benefits of Going on an Adventure Holiday
‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.’ (Mark Twain)
Whilst the thought of boarding a plane to a tropical island, disconnecting from the ‘normal world’ and doing little more than sipping cocktails beside a pool, certainly has its merits, many people are looking to fill their time away with unique experiences they might not be able to get at home.
“Many of our travellers are looking at experiences that are educational, adventurous and include socialising with other travellers or locals,” explains Marie Sulda, founder of Kaleidoscopic Travel. Many families are travelling a minimum of once a year so they want to change the style of their trips and destinations”.
If you’ve been considering an adventure holiday, here’s 6 scientifically backed reasons why you should go ahead and plan that trip!
Bust Stress
Holidays are more often than not intended to help you wind down from the stresses and strains of daily life. But, did you know that staying active on your holiday may have a more lasting effect on your stress levels, even when you return to everyday life? According to a 2009 Canadian study, the majority of the 900 lawyers they tested displayed lower stress levels in their day to day lives after taking regular holidays that involved vigorous activities. Even after the holidays were over, the test subjects found that staying active allowed them to better recuperate and worry less about the stresses of their work.
Improve Fitness
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that staying active can help you improve your fitness.Whilst some hard-core fitness fanatics might opt for extreme outdoor activities such amountain, biking, rock climbing and the like, don’t underestimate the benefits of doing something as simple as going for a long walk on a trail track or a jog on the beach to improve your cardiovascular health. Plus, its way more fun when you can take in a new environment or stunning scenery, right?
Strengthen Family Bonds
“Adventure holidays can be a great way to bring the family together,” says Sulda. “Active holidays where the family can learn new skills such as surfing, stand up paddle boarding, hiking to a peak or kayaking are amongst the most popular family activities. On The Go Tours, incorporate many sporting activities.”
These kinds of adventure holiday activities can be a great way of creating shared memories, open communication, and a sense of fun, all of which can help build a better family dynamic.
Better Sleep
Few of us would pass up the opportunity for better sleep, so it’s worth noting that a 2006 study found that people who stayed active during their holidays averaged an increase of an hour or more quality sleep once they returned home.
Reverse Brain Shrinkage
Eeek, yes, you read that right! Apparently, once you hit your mid-50’s, your hippocampusbegins to get smaller, potentially causing memory loss. The good news is that by getting outside regularly and walking you can reverse the shrinking. In fact, a recent study in which a group of middle-aged adults were asked to walk for 45 minutes, at least three times a week for a year, found that the walkers brains grew by an average of 2%. Why wait until youare in your 50’s though? Make it a healthy habit now!
Better Mental Health
Recent studies undertaken at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill show that people who engage in a variety of life experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions and minimise negative ones, than people who stick to a lifetime of routine. So, embarking on an adventure holiday, or even adding a few new experiences to your normal holiday plans, may help to ward off anxiety and depression, or make you better equipped to deal with them.
If you’re looking for your own adventure getaway and want someone to provide you with the best possible options, without forcing unattainable deals onto you, then you need to check out Kaleidoscopic Travel. They provide you with a personalised, tailored plan to suit your needs and budget, ensuring that you have the best holiday – totally worry free!