Destination Bali – A Family Adventure

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I really really like my kids they are interesting & lovely people. Not angels but fun to be around. I don’t seem to have the time very often to stop enjoy that. I do seem to shout about socks ALOT.
Most of our conversations start with have you got your…. we are running late… have you done…. can you please . I don’t want to be the shouty woman in the front of the car. My kids love drawing & painting riding bikes and dancing silly. I do too…. but it does seem that while I am doing these things I am always thinking about the next thing on the list.
It’s a very long long list. Are they important things? For school yes, work yes, for extended family and friends yes our pets yes.
Imagine the time you would have with no housework beyond the basic, no school and no work for awhile …. and your whole family was there to enjoy it together
Have you ever thought it would be great to concentrate on family without all of the distractions? Instead of wearing the 3 hats of wife , mother and worker bee . Wear just the one.. family member? What would it be like. Would you be the zen mother of your dreams? would you be a better listener. Would your family have more time for the artistic pursuits? How would you go home schooling? No television. Only one way to find out. The busyness of Sydney was getting too much. we loved our times camping but they were never long enough. we love our village and don’t want to move .We decided now was the time. To escape the winter, slow things down a little, for 6 months…Not financially there would never be a time . The kids ages seemed right. Have a wonderful time and ride the calm waters of 4 teen agers in a house later.
Our youngest was 3 and the eldest almost 10.
Where to? Inexpensive, diverse, close to Australia if possible , great surf a must.
Indonesia….political climate? Bali