How to Avoid Holiday Horrors – Part 2 Fiji

I think we are the only family to have NOT enjoyed a holiday in Fiji.
It was a disaster!
I blame the kids, of course! Pete and I would have had a lovely time without them, but then that would have defeated the point of having a family holiday.
You know, family fun in the sun, relaxing by the pool with the kids, sharing quality time together, introducing our offspring to a new culture.
Nothing of the sort occurred.
Actually I blame myself really. Why did I think it was a good plan to spend several hours in a small aircraft with a pair of 17 month old twins? Toddlers are the WORST age to fly.
It’s not just the hours in the plane of course, there’s the drive to the airport, the queuing, the hanging around, more queuing and more hanging around.
THEN the flight… then more queuing and more hanging around… and…
Then I was wishing we had booked a hotel right next door to the airport.
The 90 minute drive to the resort was even worse than the flight.
There was absolutely nothing wrong and everything right with the hotel. It was us, really it was.
The twins loathed the kids club and the nannies.
They couldn’t stay upright in the children’s pools, and kept trying to leap into the adult pools.
We couldn’t relax for a moment with them.
They whinged at the heat.
They behaved appallingly at almost every meal.
Most irritatingly EVERY other child in the resort loved the kids club, could swim already and was angelic at all times.
Or so it felt to us.
Luckily, our older two boys did have a fabulous time.
But Pete and I returned vowing never, ever to take them anywhere again.
Time heals all wounds though, and we’re off to Fiji again in the next school holidays.
The older boys are 15 and 12, the twins are six.
It’s going to be a really fabulous family holiday this time.
Isn’t it?
Seana Smith is a mother of four children and author of three books, including ‘Sydney For Under Fives.’ She blogs about great family-friendly places around Sydney and about family travel at: Do come for a visit.
Seana also blogs about healthy family food at: Do pop over and add your advice!