Undressed with Kathryn Eisman, New to Paramount+ is The Must-Watch, Transformational Show Landing This Month

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Our wardrobe can go through several phases through our lifetime, particularly when we decide to start a family. One minute you’re in skinny jeans and stilettos sipping on mojitos with your girlfriends, the next you’re purchasing maternity wear and bras without underwires. Whilst motherhood is an incredible journey, prioritising little people over ourselves can leave us wondering who we are, and what happened to the old us.
Is she still in there somewhere, underneath the messy bun and comfy flats? Is she living the life of her hopes and dreams?
Seriously, when you think about it, how much thought do you put into the outfits you wear each day? Does your choice of attire depend on what you have planned for the day, where you are going and with whom? Have your wardrobe choices changed since you became a parent? According to the psychology of fashion, the clothes we wear send powerful signals about who we are.
We’ve all heard the old cliché that first impressions count, but did you know that on meeting someone new, we form an impression of them in less than one-tenth of a second, often before they’ve even had a chance to speak! Of course, this also means that they are unconsciously judging us too. According to dress scholars, your fashion choices are sending the people around you, very strong, non-verbal cues about who you are, how much power you wield, how much influence you have, how smart you are and even how much you earn! But how do we know whether those around us are interpreting the message that we think we are sending, or are our fashion choices saying something else entirely?
Kathryn Eisman, award-winning journalist, presenter, author, influencer and so called ‘fashion decoder’ embarks on a social experiment to help transform a group of everyday Aussies in Undressed with Kathryn Eisman, exclusive to Paramount + this month. The show not only looks at what drives our fashion choices, and whether they reflect who we truly are, but also whether we can create the lives we really want, just by what we wear.
Eisman, with her uncanny ability to see deep inside a person’s hopes, dreams and fears just by looking at their outfit, will take viewers on a profound and emotional journey, as she inspires everyday Australians to not just take on a new look, but also a new way of looking at themselves.
“Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve been able to read a person’s true character, just from the clothes they are wearing,” Eisman explains. “My goal is for people to look in the mirror and say, ‘I finally see me.’”
By reading their clothes, Eisman will unlock what’s holding them back, while examining if it really is possible to dress for success.
The intriguing transformational show with a twist, is sure to give you more than a little food for thought about your own wardrobe staples, as well as hitting you right in the feels.
Undressed with Kathryn Eisman, a Paramount+ Australian original, now streaming exclusively to Paramount+. Trust us, this fascinating social experiment, come transformational show, is one you won’t want to miss!