This Viral Video Is an Inspiring Reminder to All Women That We Are ‘More Than Our Bodies’

This Viral Video Is an Inspiring Reminder to All Women That We Are ‘More Than Our Bodies’
Motherhood changes us in a myriad of ways. It throws out our sleeping patterns, changes the relationships we had with our partners and families, and allows us to realise a love that we never knew existed. It also kinda screws with our body image a bit! Okay, maybe a lot. Most of us will never get our pre-baby bodies back ever again. And that realisation can be a bit much to get over.
An Australian blogger has launched an inspiring campaign in an effort to instil a positive body image for those of us needing a confidence boost.
Olivia White writes at her popular site House of White – a motherhood and lifestyle blog where she tells it like it is about life in Australia with her two young kids, Annabelle and Teddy. Olivia has launched a body image campaign titled #MORETHANMYBODY, aimed at inspiring other mums to love their bodies just the way they are.
Her video is quickly going viral, being viewed by more than 60,000 people worldwide. Olivia shared it with her Facebook followers a few days ago – watch it here:
Olivia writes…
“Often we are too quick to judge a person by how they look, the shape of their body, or how much they weigh…
And sadly, the biggest critic of all is often ourselves!
But what we often forget is that people are far more than just what you see. They are more than just their bodies.
Every person has a story to tell. Every journey is unique. And it has shaped the person they have become today.
These women will remind us all that we are far more than what you see on the surface. We are more than our bodies. We are all unique, our journey is our own and our bodies should not define us.
We need to stop the judgement, we need to stop labelling people for how they look! And that includes the labels we give ourselves – because we are often our own biggest critic!
Love yourself for who you are. Stop being your biggest critic, and become your biggest fan!! Remember that you are amazing, you are unique and your story matters!!”
This isn’t the first time Olivia has spoken out about body image. She wrote of her appreciation for her mum bod in an image she has shared with her Instagram followers in July last year.
“Puffy face, droopy milk filled boobs, wider hips and belly full of stretch marks!! That’s my post baby reality, no ‘bouncing back’ here! And you know what? I couldn’t give a shit! Because I’m not the same person I was before I had babies, so why would would I want my body to reflect something and someone I no longer am?”
Props to Olivia for showing us what real motherhood and real womanhood look like and for reminding us what kind of awesome things our bodies can do.
Images: House of White