Why Alcohol Can Give You Anxiety and How to Avoid It

Why Alcohol Can Give You Anxiety and How to Avoid It
Woken up in the morning after a night of drinking and felt gripped by anxiety? You’re not alone. Hangxiety is common, particularly among women. But the good news is you can avoid this suffering. Alcohol free drinks are a great place to start.
What causes hangxiety
When we drink, it disrupts the chemical balance in our brains. Alcohol stimulates our body with artificially high levels of neurotransmitters. The result? We’re ready to party!
Brain imaging shows that alcohol decreases activity in the areas of the brain responsible for decision making, self control and memory. Of course this all feels fun …..until it’s not.
As alcohol wears off, our body goes into withdrawal and anxiety kicks in. Simultaneously our blood sugar levels drop, resulting in inflammation, which can affect mood and anxiety.
So how can we avoid hangxiety?
Don’t drink too quickly
It’s easy to get carried away when the drinks are flowing. And there’s always that one person refiling everyone’s glass, right? But maintaining a slow drinking pace, will help you keep tabs on your alcohol consumption, as well as the enthusiastic pourer.
Non- alcoholic wines such as Giesen are a great option for those nights. You can match everyone drink for drink without fear of ‘the fear’.
Alternative alcohol with water
Alternating alcohol with water is great for managing your alcohol consumption and keeping you hydrated. But what about if you had a tastier alternative to water? With so many delicious non alcoholic drinks on the market, you do.
To get your night bubbling, try a non alcoholic champagne alternative. So close to the real thing you won’t feel like you’re missing out.
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Offer to be the designated driver
As the designated driver you’ve got the perfect reason not to overindulge. And the perfect reason to test drive some alternative options.
Whether it’s a party, casual barbeque or picnic by the beach, there’s a drink option to suit the occasion. Indulge your tastebuds with a refreshing non alcoholic wine or beer, or for something a bit more fancy whip up a mocktail or two.
Hydrating and eating
Hydrating and eating before and during your night out can help slow down the effects of alcohol. A clearer head reduces the risk of those heavy handed pours and the chances of hangxiety.
Protein rich foods such as eggs, salmon, and Greek yoghurt can delay alcohol absorption, as can fibre rich foods like oats and bananas. Berries are a great and tasty way to boost your hydration.
For the ultimate flavour and hydration combination, try a mocktail.
Irene Falcone is the founder of Sans Drinks, Australia’s number 1 non-alcoholic bottle shop.
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Irene Falcone is on a mission to change the way Australian’s drink. Founder of Sans Drinks, Australia’s first physical alc-free bottle shop, and online superstore. Irene is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur described by Channel 7 as “the biggest disrupter of the liquor industry since prohibition.”
With a unique understanding of the alcohol-free drinks market, including robust customer data insights into drinking trends and a detailed knowledge of over 500 products, Irene is passionate about making alcohol-free drinks fun, sexy and part of everyday mindful drinking.