What Kids Really Want on Vacation – A message from Kid President

How are you surviving the school holidays? Have the kids told you they’re bored yet or has keeping them occupied been a breeze?
Being a stay-at-home mum myself, I have one daughter in kindy and two younger daughters that stay at home with me during the day. I’ve yet to experience the full school holiday mode because my girls look at me everyday as their activity provider. I enjoy weekends and holidays away with my husband because it means there are two of us to give attention to our little ones.
Kid President has a message for all parents about what kids really want on vacation. And the list may not be what you think. With summer holidays in full swing in the USA, while the video has been made in line to coincide with their holiday period, the message is a timely one for all parents when taking their kids on a holiday. In fact the message is a great reminder about what our kids really crave most – our undivided attention.
Check out the video and tell us what you think.
Do you think Kid President has a point?