Mum Of Twins Tattoos One Baby So She Can Tell Them Apart!

Mum Of Twins Tattoos One Baby So She Can Tell Them Apart!
A mum of twins has been slammed online after revealing she tattooed one of her boys so she could tell them apart.
The 31-year-old mum explained that after giving birth to identical boys Sam and Jack they would always get them mixed up. To make matters even more difficult, Jack was born with a condition that means he needs to have an injection once a week. So it’s imperative they inject the correct baby!
Sharing her story on Reddit, the mum soon explained why she went to the extreme measure of tattooing one of the boys. Saying that although she trusted her MIL, she did in fact once inject the wrong baby.
Speaking about the incident, the mum says the MIL instantly realised. “She immediately noticed her mistake called 911 and they were transferred to hospital. By the time I got there Sam had been given the reversal agent and they were both happily sipping on juice loving the attention. We went home the same night told to push fluids. He was never in danger. Its a very slow acting medication that, at worst, would have given him diarrhoea in a few days.”
The mother-in-law was so traumatised by this event that the parents decided to send the twins to childcare instead. It was there that the educators advised on the tattoo.
The woman continued: “I explained to my mother-in-law they tattoo a freckle, no bigger than the end of a pencil eraser, on an area of skin that’s easily seen while the child is under mild sedation similar to dental offices. Because of the area it usually fades in two to three years but by then they should have developed more personal features and may not need it redone. So after discussion with my husband we did it.”
So the parents went ahead and got a 2mm brown freckle on his earlobe, much to the horror of the mother-in-law.
“Mother-in-law lost her s*** the second I mentioned a medical tattoo. I tried to explain, but she just freaked out, so I put both kids on the floor and told her to pick up Jack and find the tattoo. She picked up Sam so I handed her Jack and after 20 minutes still couldn’t find it. Stripped him to his skivvies. I finally pointed it out and she went ‘that’s just a freckle’.
“I just said ‘my point exactly. Sam doesn’t have a freckle there… So that’s how daycare can tell them apart.”
The mum added: “She’s still p***ed and ranting. Once I explain to others, and they fail to find it they understand, but they still think I went too far in tattooing my child and altering their body. I believe I took the necessary precautions recommended by the doctor and the tattoo will fade with sun exposure and as he grows. By the time he’s five it probably won’t even be visible or it’ll just look like a faded freckle.”
She asked the Reddit community: “Am I the a***ole.”
Commenters said she definitely wasn’t! “It’s literally a fake freckle. It’s not like you gave him a full sleeve of pin-up girls and muscle cars,” said one.
While another commented: “I’d rather tattoo my kids with Barney the dinosaur on their whole body than risk messing up medication.”
Enough said. Do you agree?
Images: Pixabay