Shared Kids Bedroom Ideas for Most Sibling Combinations

If you have more kids than rooms in your house, the most practical way to create space in your home is to get your kids to share a bedroom. The hardest part when designing a space for two kids is ensuring the room doesn’t feel too cluttered. The room not only has to fit two beds, but also the belongings of each child while also injecting each sibling’s personality into their space. We’ve put together some shared kids bedroom ideas for most sibling combinations so you can start planning for your kids’ new space while also being mindful of their style. And by style we mean favourite colour or character.
Combining a nursery and toddler bedroom is doable. While it may seem a little impractical with different sleep patterns, if there are no rooms in the house, then there is no choice. It’s best to place the bed and cot on different walls, opposite to each other. Choose a neutral colour palette when creating the room. Grey looks fabulous with both baby pink and baby blue if you have a boy and girl sibling combination. If you have the same sex sharing the room, the colours will be easier to choose.

When displaying furniture, think vertically and use stackable bookshelves or cubes to organize toys and books. Ensure the bookshelves are bolted to the wall to avoid any mishaps. Use up space in wardrobes before cluttering the room with furniture. Hang the clothes or buy hanging organization shelves to fold clothes in.
Beds can be placed next to walls or next to each other separated by a shared bedside table.

Use coloured decals to inject colour into the room and give each child their choice in bedspread which can match with the decals on the wall.
Be creative with using bedheads too. If you have to buy two beds, making your own bedhead will be cheaper than buying them.
A canvas with the initial of each child’s name placed behind the bed is a personal touch so each child knows which space is their own.

If you have a brother and sister that need to share a room, choosing a neutral colour pallet is a must. Choose colours that work well together like grey, mint green and musk pink.

Simple signs of No Boys and No Girls can add a cute touch to a shared sibling bedroom. In this room, the pink and blue work together as the bed linen has a similar pattern.

Don’t be afraid to use book shelves or a curtain to create a divide in the room for each kid’s space.

Have you got any tips to share when getting siblings to share a bedroom? Could you share any pictures of successful designs that you have used in your own home?