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These Vintage Wedding Pictures Demonstrate How Much Bridesmaids Fashions Have Changed

These Vintage Wedding Pictures Demonstrate How Much Bridesmaids Fashions Have Changed

It is amazing how much fashion has changed over the years. While some trends and styles come back again with a fresh take on their retro style, others stay firmly in the past, as these vintage bridesmaids dresses prove.

People have been sharing photos from their wedding days in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s and their bridesmaids’ outfits couldn’t be more different than the trends of today.

For starters, the hats.

Lots of brides opted for their bridesmaids to wear these floppy, meshy sunhats

Loving the colour palette in this next pic, but not so much the hats or organza ruffled neckline

This bride loves her floppy hat so much it looks like she’s put her entire face through it (it’s just her neckline, don’t worry). Loving the little colour-matched baskets!

If you weren’t a fan of sunhats, you could always opt for hooded lacy capes.

Or bright red ones to quiet down the loud and lary print underneath

Speaking of loud prints…

They sure were big back in the day!

I would love an occasional chair upholstered in this print. It’s not the print that is the problem here.

The prints are beautiful.

They’re just… busy.

Especially when teamed with matching floppy sunhats

Another trend we’ve moved on from is to style the Matron or Maid of Honour in a slightly different outfit to the rest of the bridesmaids

Same same but different!

This MOH looks pissed she missed out on a sweet flower headpiece and had to go with a floppy hat instead.

Don’t laugh, the Eighties were a confusing time for lots of us.

Court shoes were popular, even burgundy ones.

Smaller hats with tiny useless veils became a thing too.

Although big hats with tiny veils were a thing too. Also enormo trains! Those dresses are a gorgeous colour, I do have to admit.

Some brides opted for a demure caped bodice for their bridesmaids’ dresses. And dirty porn ‘staches for the groomsmen.

The bride chose a stunning colour palette for her caped bridesmaids here, opting for matching floral orbs instead of bouquets.

Is that a bored-looking Mia Farrow on the right?

If you didn’t want capes or floppy hats or tiny useless veils, you could always go with some fur trims and muffs, as this bride did.

The poinsettias on the table suggest this one might have been a Christmas wedding.

Giant flat bows, shoelaces and candy pink mesh are always an option too.

This Eighties wedding featured chokers, black lace and fluffy hair, everything that was amazing about the era.

And finally, we have saved the best fashion trend until last. Metallic gold, ruffled necklines and ruched bodices. Amazing!

One thing that hasn’t changed over the years is the gorgeous smiling faces of the bridal party and the joy in the eyes of the happy couple themselves. It’s so lovely to see people carrying on the same traditions of those before them.

And who knows, maybe we’ll all be back here in twenty years fawning over photos from the Naughties and Nineties and still marvelling at how much has changed!


Source: Hot Panda

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!