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momondo Giveaway: Win 1 of 3 DNA Kits from AncestryDNA worth $150 each

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momondo Giveaway: Win 1 of 3 DNA Kits from AncestryDNA worth $150 each

How would you like to discover how connected you really are, to the rest of the world? momondo helps you connect the dots, with 3 AncestryDNA kits to giveaway!

What if you could discover your genetic past and find out who your ancestors were? Whether you were born in Sydney or a country across the pond, chances are your DNA will reveal surprising results that let you know how very connected you are – on no less than a global scale.

Travel metasearch site, momondo, started the DNA Journey to help people understand that there are many more things uniting everyone across the globe, rather than dividing us. Though different cultures may seem worlds apart, we have much more in common with people from other countries than we ever thought possible.

Those who’ve embarked on the DNA Journey discover truths that instantly connect them with a new way of thinking, while enabling them to celebrate the diversity of the world. It’s an amazing way to unite your own family too, with the global one just waiting to be discovered.

When you take an AncestryDNA test, the results include fascinating information about your ethnicity, from across 26 ethnicities. It also uncovers potential relatives, through DNA matching with others who’ve taken the test. Don’t worry about the word ‘test’ either. It’s just a simple saliva sample and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. The kits include full instructions and a collection tube. Once you submit your test to the lab it’s time to get excited, because you’re ready to explore the results!

Just imagine, for example, that you’ve lived in Melbourne your whole life, with an unknown relative just around the corner? Are you curious? momondo’s vision is to encourage just that, with the aim of seeing differences as a source of inspiration and development. When we’re curious, we’re open-minded and accepting of diversity. Something that helps us discover trust and acceptance, is travel. In fact, after conducting an independent survey, momondo discovered that the majority of those surveyed believe there would be less intolerance and enhanced positivity towards diversity, if only people travelled more.

Travelling really can make the world a better place and momondo believes everyone should be able to travel the world. As such, momondo offers a free metasearch engine, comparing billions of cheap flights, hotels and care hire deals. Because momondo is totally independent of airlines and travel providers, you get the full overview of options, without any extra fees.

You never know, perhaps your next travel adventure will be to a yet unknown, ancestral home? Today might be your lucky day, so enter to win one of 3 AncestryDNA kits worth $150 each.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.


  1. I would love to try this, i know a bit about my mums side of the family but nothing about my dads ancestors so this might just get me some answers about my heritage

  2. I know I am half English half German but I’m sure there is more to it than that & am really interested in finding out. I have wanted to do it for ages

  3. I have a long family history in Australia but when we trace our names back we are constantly hitting road blocks due to possible name changes throughout our ancestry… This could help me understand more of my family than what I do now…

  4. I started tracing our family tree a year ago and would love to find out where I originated from.

  5. I am always fascinated by the television programme, Who do you think you are? that has got me thinking, who do I take after, who do I look like, what is my ancestors history & more to the point, were there any scandals?!?!

  6. What better way to connect my past, present and future than with a D(descendancy) N(now) Available Kit from Momondo?

  7. I find this very interesting but it can become a very expensive hobby

  8. I’d love to know more about my ancestry, where I’m from, what my ethnicity is and what my ancestors might have gone through.

  9. It’s so fascinating how people can think they know their ancestry and family history, then they get a DNA test like this done and there is so much more to it!

  10. I have wanted to know more about the secrets contained in my DNA since I can remember! I want to know exactly where I have come from so I can pass the knowledge onto my kids. I want my children to know that they are unique and that no one person is the same.

  11. more then anything I want to find my family roots before my parents pass, they are elderly and have always wanted to know their history and connections plus for my own kids, the stories inspire me to get it done and not to be put off by how hard it looks because it’s not and it’s doable

  12. I would love to win the DNA kit as I want to find out my family history on my fathers side.

  13. I know that my biological father is dead now and never got to even meet him let alone know him, but this would help me to find out more about that side of my background

  14. Wow I was moved by the video of the Kurtish girl who was suprised by her true genetic origins especially finding out she was Turkish. I am so inspired to find out my true genetic origins fingers crossed ?

  15. One of my grandfathers had 16 sisters and was Irish, I must have multitudes of relatives over there and I would love to connect and swap family stories!

  16. I would love to find out my ancestral history, and maybe find relatives I have never met.

  17. Wow was very interesting hearing how a supposed ‘French’ woman was not actually French at all. Makes me curious to find out about my own ancestry.

  18. I’d love to win this.
    My dad was adopted out when he was a baby. We know nothing about his birth parents except that his mother was Greek, and his father was English.
    My dad has recently been diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS, which has creeped up and really changed my dad’s life, limiting him to a wheel chair after quickly losing his ability to walk.
    I’d love to find his family, if not, at least find out some history on our ancestors!
    I’d love to win as we’re both on pensions, so $150 is hard to come by to splurge.

  19. What emotional journeys we have. I would love to have some more information about my heritage. I only know my father travelled from Austria to Australia in the 1950’s.

  20. Loved the stories and the surprises that people’s dna told. My Dad never knew his father so I’d love to unlock that unknown part of me.

  21. There are no records of my grandfather coming to Australia in 1945 from Italy I would love to find our family line, he does not have any communication with anyone that still might be there

  22. I have been told I have mixed heritage somewhere but not sure which country or countries I have roots in.

  23. You simply never know from what people say and that’s what family stories and official records are from. DNA would add some fascinating lines for our family where we have traced back to “orphans”. The excitement from the anticipation would be delightful though! Thanks.

  24. Having been adopted would love to have n insight to where my heritages come from. How exciting to discover and how wonderful the average person can now do this with today’s technology.

  25. I always been interested to know what my heritage is and I find it fascinating that we have so many different ethnicities in us!

  26. Having recently being diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer, I would love this not only for me, but my kids. I have never known who my mum’s father is and never got to meet my Dad’s dad either – my family keep secrets and I want the truth

  27. After my Nan died a treasure trove of secrets were released including an adopted out aunt and the fact that my grandfather was not my fathers biological dad, the secret of his true identity and heritage taken with her. We yearn to find our truth, our true lineage. This holds the answers we seek.

  28. I have been told my whole life that I’m different to my sister, it would be great to know if there’s an actual reason for this! Maybe I’m some sort of ethnic throw back!!!

  29. I think it would be so interesting to learn your heritage. I always get told I look like I’m from here or there etc. I would like to know if it’s true.

  30. My mum took an ancestor holiday to Ireland to visit the world my great-grandfather cane from, but there are so many missing links in the stories that I have now more questions than ever before! I’d love to know where to start looking!

  31. I’ve always had an interest in my ancestry. My grandmother said we had relatives from Mauritius but I think there is more to this!

  32. I would love to win this for my dad. He is doing a family tree at the moment and would love to find out more about his grandparents and going further back to their parents and all. This would be the perfect surprise gift for my dad so he can find the information he wants.. Thankyou for the opportunity to enter this amazing giveaway. Xx

  33. The stories on Mondono inspire me to observe further into my family tree because of it’s inherent value to our ancestral history and the mystery being uncovered is personally satisfying.

  34. I want and need to finally know who my bloodline ties me to. Mum and Gran over the years have speculated certain celebrities and noblemen from yesteryear are in the mix, be great to know for sure.

  35. My husband doesn’t know his father, now having children together I would love to have more answers for them on their heritage.

  36. Not so much inspire but further pique my interest to know that little bit more than my dear old Dad, who is very invested in the family tree (he even had it printed out and it covers one of the largest walls in the family home).

  37. I’ve been told I am related to Sir Joseph Banks the botanist that sailed with Captain Cook. I’ve also been told that we have a distant relative who was Indian. I’d love to know how much of this is true.

  38. To discover the things that unite us would be
    A journey/dream come true for me
    Open our world and free the mind
    Treasured findings to beautifully entwine
    Each day with a special and heartfelt gift
    Inspiration to give spirits a lift.

  39. After many frustrating hours upon hours I have not been able to successfully find out about my Ancestry. I’d love to be able to share with my children the wonderful connection we have to different walks of life. It’s important to me to show and share with my children we are all different but connected too.

  40. Geneology has always fascinated me and Im hoping to trace my family tree when I retire. Id love to trace our family heritage throughout the generations so i can pass it on to my kids and future Grandchildren .An Ancestry DNA kit would be the perfect way to start my geneological journey

  41. my nanny told my mum on her death bed she was adopted and that was her last few words, my mom needs closure

  42. I would live to get more information about my heritage. Through family history I have some information but I have a huge gap with no information. I have been talking with my children about Family trees so would love more details to talk with them about

  43. I would love to find out what I have in addition to Celtic as I don’t believe that’s all there according to my parents. These people’s stories are living proof of this fact.

  44. Knowing where we come from, who we come from, is an important part of knowing who we are and how we fit in this world.

  45. I love finding out as much as I can about my family history. It’s interesting to find out about who your ancestors were, what they did and what kind of impact they had on the world. It’s fascinating.

  46. I’ve been bitten/smitten by the family history bug. I have English, Scottish and Welsh ancestry…. surely there has to be some Irish ancestry there also to make a complete UK connection!

  47. As an Australian I know that my ancestors were mainly European but I would love to know exactly where and whether there is more to the story.

  48. I’d love to see what I can find out about my family by looking under my skin

  49. I knew my father but I never got to know him, he passed away a while ago now but I’d love to find my past through him.

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