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Book Review: One for the Money by Janet Evanovich

one for the money

one for the money

one for the money bookYou know how when you see a good movie you then go out and buy the DVD so you can watch it over and over again? You pull it out knowing that even though you already know what’s going to happen, how the story line goes and how it ends, you’ll still enjoy it re-watching it because it’s just a good movie.

I’m like that, with books.

I love to re-read books. Especially ones I’ve already read over and over again. Yes, I know in the end she shoots the bad guy. Or he conquers the evil Emperors. Or they finally fall in love. But that’s the beauty of re-reading it. You get to live the story line along with the characters, over and over again. Feel their highs and lows. Have your heart swell with that kiss. Or feel the strength of the battle, swinging your sword along side them. Or jumping over rivers with skills one can only dream of possessing. I love re-reading books. I find I get so much more out of a book then re-watching a movie.

My favourite books to re-read are easy laugh-out-loud books. Trying to stifle my giggles at 10pm while Hubby snores beside me is well worth it! Amongst these, my absolute favourite is the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich.

I have my Aunty Heather to thank for my addiction to these books. I remember the afternoon she recommend the first one – One for the Money – while we were browsing through Target in Bundy. I was searching for a new book to read for a flight home so on her recommendation I bought it.

I must have read it at least a dozen times now. At least.

I know the banter Stephanie has between her and Morelli. The attraction to the mysterious Ranger. The wit and cursing of Lulu. And now, 19 books (and going!) later, I’m still drawn to her Bounty Hunter storyline and all the Boston Creme’s she eats. At least 15 of Evanovich’s books sit on my shelf, with well worn spines and dog-ear’d pages.

If you’re looking for a great read, One for the Money is where you start. If you don’t believe me, ask my Aunty Heather. Oh, and yes it recently got made into a movie. They did a pretty good job!

But the book’s always better!


I’m Daneyl, I’m a blogger, wife, mother and opera singer (but only when I’m in the shower). I’m the most relaxed when I’m being creative, cooking, reading and writing. I’m loving being a stay at Mum and learning how to be a parent to my two gorgeous cherubs. Check out my little blog at



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.