Boot Camp for Kids

Why should adults get all the fun? With the weather getting cooler, we’re going to be running Boot Camp for the kiddies at home this week, and here’s a taste of some of the activities we’re planning.
The focus for these exercises is based around activities for 2 – 4 year olds, however you can adjust them for any age group and number of kids. These exercises require very little equipment or tools and can be adapted to any backyard or even done inside the home.
If they need extra motivation, turn on some pumping music and get them moving!
- Rolling (a lush green lawn would be nice, otherwise you can lay out a big sheet)
- Stomp like a Dinosaur
- Running (do laps around the trampoline, relay race, or just up and down the side of the house)
- Handstands (parent to assist by balancing them)
- Wheel barrow (parent to hold feet, while child walks on hands)
- Walking (on toes, backwards, fast, slow, hands on head etc). You can also use a pedometer to count the steps.
- Walk like a Spider (hands and feet on the ground and lift bottom off the floor)
- Jumping (jump over sticks, on the spot, backwards, side to side etc)
- Pushing and pulling (sing Row Row Row Your Boat)
- Slither like a Snake
- Crawling races
- Bed Sheet Ping Pong (players hold sheet off ground with a ping pong ball inside. Shake the sheet and try to get the ball to fall off the other side)
- Balancing (on a piece of timber, low garden ledge, or a piece of rope)
- Jumping Jacks (teepee – pencil – tepee – pencil etc)
- Hopscotch (mark out on the concrete with some chalk. Grab a stone and throw onto a square. Hop through the course skipping the square with the stone in it)
- Fly like an aeroplane
- Kicking, catching, rolling and throwing balls (add a goal post)
- Follow the Leader
- Blow and chase bubbles
- Scavenger Hunt (first person to find a type of flower, rock, butterfly, spot the bird etc)
- Car Race or Lawn Mower Race (ride on toys or push/pull toys)
- Climbing (a tree or a ladder)
- Egg and Spoon Race (you can use other toys instead of an egg)
- Hopping (in one place, turn around, over a line, swap legs, hold hands with friend etc).
Ensure the kids are wearing appropriate and sunsafe clothing with plenty of water and healthy snacks on hand for regular rest breaks.
Try not to do all these activities in one go … my Mr 4 and Miss 2 will probably do something for 5 minutes, have a break and then do another activity for 5 minutes with a total of probably 20 – 30 mins all up.
A good stretch before and after the activities will help get them in the right frame of mind, and a stretch for you too will help reduce those aches and pains ~ because you have to join in too!
I’m Alison and I created THE THRIFTY ISSUE because I enjoy sharing ideas and creating things with my family and friends, on a budget. The Thrifty Issue is a place to visit for stylish, funky and fun ideas on saving time, money and stress. A place to meet and greet, to share and explore