Halloween Treasure Hunt Free Printable

Free Printable: Halloween Treasure Hunt Clues
I wish I had fabulous neighbours in our street so I could send the kids out Trick or Treating but alas we are not in a family friendly neighbourhood, so I decided that after school today the kids will come home to a Halloween Treasure Hunt.
Below you will find 12 clues that you can print and cut out. Follow the directions on the first clue to work out where to put the treat and the next clue and then give the kids the first clue and watch the fun!
This will also be great for primary children who have started reading as the clues are quite tailored for a younger audience.
We have also left a few blank ones on the end in case you come up with your own creative clues! If you do don’t forget to share them with us below (we may add them for next year!)
Halloween Treasure Hunt for the Kids
Happy Halloween Mums!
Download the full Halloween Treasure Hunt here.