Husband Complains That Wife’s Lunches For Him Aren’t Up To Scratch Anymore

Husband Complains That Wife’s Lunches For Him Aren’t Up To Scratch Anymore
After reading this unbelievable story all we have to say is ‘Girl, where are those divorce papers?” This husband had the audacity to complain about his lunchboxes which include the cutest handmade creations that take his wife up to an hour to prepare!
Liza Stian, is a 20 something year old from California whose TikTok handle is @Lizastian. She recently posted a TikTok explaining that she spends so much time creating intricate lunches for her husband but now he’s beginning to complain about them.
Seriously, what reason could he possibly have to fault these lunches? Well, according to Liza, he says her standards have dropped.
“My husband told me my lunches aren’t as creative as they used to be,” she says in the video showing her making a lunch with fresh handmade made ingredients like rice, biscuits, a cucumber, ham and cream cheese sandwich, glazed chicken and sesame balls and three mini KitKats. “I no longer know what I can do to surprise him. Any ideas?”
How about you surprise him with an empty lunchbox!!
She spoke to The Sun where she revealed how tedious the preparations can be: “It can take as little as 20 minutes or as long as one hour to pack one lunch. It depends on the dish complexity.”
So you can understand why her feelings would be hurt after hearing her husband’s complaints.
Commenters on TikTok were quick to point out exactly how spoilt her husband was acting and that he should appreciate ANYTHING the wife takes time to prepare for him.
“Divorce papers in a brown bag,” recommended one person.
Another wrote: “Tell him to grow up. There’s kids making their own lunches, he’s more than capable.”
”Give him an empty lunchbox next time if he’s complaining!”
”What a baby!”
”This is unbelievable! he can just go buy his lunch like everyone else,” offered another.
Not surprisingly, there was not one single comment in the husband’s defence but hundreds for Liza. And rightly so, don’t you think?
Images: TikTok