Man With Dwarfism Exacts Sweet Revenge on a Woman Who Tried To Use Him as a Parenting Lesson

Man With Dwarfism Exacts Sweet Revenge on a Woman Who Tried To Use Him as a Parenting Lesson
A man with dwarfism has shared a story of sweet revenge after hearing a woman warn her son that he was one of Santa’s elves in an effort to control her child’s behaviour.
Taking to Reddit’s Petty Revenge sub, the man had a bit of a rant about the “wild interactions” he has with people in public, especially children.
“Sometimes a kid comes up to me to ask me why I’m so short, and I have a pre-prepared response for that, but most of the time they just loudly ask their parents why I’m so short,” Redditor windmillto wrote.
“Usually, the parents will awkwardly drag their kids away, telling them not to comment on people in public, which is sad but understandable. I like the parents who just say something about how some people are born like this, and even though we look a bit different we’re still regular people just like everyone else. Sometimes I hear a gem like “I bet he shrank in the wash”.
“What I can’t stand is when people try to use me to parent their kids,” he continued.
“I’m sure you can think of ways to convince your kids to finish their plate at dinner that doesn’t involve pointing at a dwarf in public and saying “that’s what happens when you leave food on your plate” or “he didn’t listen to his mommy when she told him to eat all his vegetables”. It’s rude, it’s humiliating, and it teaches your kid that differences are a bad thing and that people are at fault for their differences or disabilities. It just pisses me off.”
Honestly, I’m shocked and saddened that he has experienced that. Why are people so awful?
Anyway, onto the good bit:
“A few days ago I was in public and a kid who was maybe 4 or 5 years old was acting out, and his mom was clearly struggling to keep him under control.
“So she pointed to me and told her son that I was one of Santa’s elves, and I was watching him and would tell Santa about his behaviour.
“The kid’s name was on a key ring on his backpack so I just said, “it’s ok Hunter, you’re already on the nice list, and Santa told me you’re getting an iPad this Christmas.”
“Hunter was excited. His mom was not.”
That’s honestly the funniest thing I’ve heard this week. I wish I could think that fast on my feet!!
We all know that parenting is a tough gig and that there are teaching moments in every day, but it is never okay to use another person as a threat for what might happen to them if they don’t study hard or eat their veggies. I bet this mum will never do that again!
via Reddit/Petty Revenge and Giphy