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Vegan Neighbours Complain of Meat Smells Coming into Their House

Vegan Neighbours Complain of Meat Smells Coming into Their House


This neighbourly dispute involves two families. One is vegan and the other is not. The meat eaters received a letter in the mail asking them to please contain their “sickening smell of cooked meat” by closing their windows.

A Western Australian newspaper reported the story of the dispute recently, publishing the letter from one neighbour to the other. The Burns Beach resident wrote to his meat loving neighbours asking them to please contain their offensive meat smells.

The letter was given in an envelope with the words “PLEASE TAKE SERIOUSLY” written on the front. Submitted to Hey Perth on Facebook it begins: “Hello neighbour, could you please shut your side window when cooking?

Image: The West Australian

“My family are vegan — we eat only plant-based foods — and the smell of the meat you cook makes us feel sick and upset. We would appreciate your understanding — thanks. Sarah, Wayne, and kids.”

Needless to say, the post on Facebook garnered a lot of comments from people who couldn’t believe how ‘entitled’ the vegan family sounded. Here are some sentiments from the readers:

“I bet her mouth starts watering when old mate mows his lawn and she gets a whiff of that deliciously fresh cut grass but!” one person wrote.

“I’m offended by the smell of the kale she always cooks,” another wrote.

While some suggested perhaps it was time to host a BBQ.

“Oh, man … I’d be firing up the bbq and inviting the entire street,” one said.

“I would fire up the smoker and do a 12-hour brisket, with a sausage sizzle for lunch thrown in — entitled much,”wrote another.

What do you think of this whole conflict. Do the vegans neighbours have a point?


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Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage

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