Strategies For Parents to Help Kids Overcome Anxiety About Starting School

Is Your Child Experiencing Anxiety About Starting School?
Depending on which state you live in, your Facebook feed may already be filling up with little ones decked out in their brand-new uniforms smiling excited at the camera in anticipation of their first day at school. But it’s important to remember that not all children are as eager to step out of their comfort zone and into the unknown. For some children, the thought of being a little fish in the big pond that is primary school can be overwhelming. If your child is experiencing anxiety about going to school, there are a number of strategies that you can employ to help to ease the transition.
Acknowledge Their Feelings
Rather than dismissing your child’s worries as silly, it’s vital to acknowledge them and reassure them that it is normal to feel nervous or anxious about doing new things. This can go a long way in helping them to feel heard and understood. This also creates a safe and supportive environment for your child so that they know they can come to you with other concerns or worries in the future.
Establish a Routine Before School Starts
Feelings of anxiety often arise when children feel uncertainty about a situation as well as lack of control over what’s happening. Introducing a structured routine before school begins, such as waking up at the time they will need to get up, can help them adjust more smoothly. In contrast, a chaotic start to the day where you are rushing to get ready and can’t find their shoes will only accelerate your child’s anxieties. A familiar routine where they know what to do and what comes next can help to make them feel more secure and in control.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Don’t underestimate the power of teaching your child calming breathing techniques when they are feeling overwhelmed. YouTube has some great videos that you can watch so you can practice mindful breathing with your child.
Focus on the Positive
Tell your child about all the fun things that they are going to do at school to help shift their mindset from fear or uncertainty to excitement.
Set Realistic Expectations
For some children the overwhelm comes from thinking that they have to be perfect at something. Maybe they are worried that the teacher is going to expect them to know how to do certain things. Remind them that it’s okay to make mistakes and that everyone is learning.
Be Patient and Encouraging
As previously mentioned, it’s important not to dismiss their concerns. Little people are capable of big feelings. Be patient and gently encourage them. Positive reinforcement and celebrating their small successes will help them to ease into the new school year more smoothly.