Woman Tells Sister In Law To Stop Naming Her Kids Like They’re Dogs

Woman Tells Sister In Law To Stop Naming Her Kids Like They’re Dogs
Naming a child is a huge responsibility and not one parents take lightly, we’re sure. However one woman is concerned that her sister in law’s kids will one day grow to hate their names. Things did not go well when she told her so!
In the now viral Reddit thread, one woman says she was trying to help her sister-in-law avoid giving her unborn baby something she’ll regret. The reason for her intervention is because the rest of her kids have ‘unusual’ names already.
Writing to Reddit she says, “I (27f) and my SIL(34f) have four kids and a baby on the way. She is the definition of a ‘crunchie mum’: her family is vegan, with no electronics in the house, has all-natural toys and clothes for the kids, homeschooling, etc. She wanted her kids to have unique names and not basic names.”
Which is why she named them ‘Baryleen, pronounced Bryalin, Falkin, pronounced Falcon, Rorai, pronounced Rorie, and Kelvin, pronounced Calvin.
The woman says she wouldn’t have got involved had her SIL not asked for some advice. “My SIL asked me what my opinion was on her naming her next baby Astra, Inky, or Lore. She also went on a rant about how my baby is going to have a basic name and not be memorable (I’m six months pregnant and my husband and I plan to name our son James). I told her she was naming kids not dogs and her kids are going to hate their names once they get older.
She got really mad and began screaming at me that I was rude and kids’ names are more than just a name. She stormed out of my house after this. All day I’ve been getting calls from my MIL and BIL about how I’m being evil and rude and need to apologise to her. My husband agrees with me that someone needed to tell her she’s giving these kids ridiculous names. I feel bad like maybe I should apologise. It wasn’t really my place to say anything, but I’m so sick of her. “
I mean, she did ask for your opinion I guess! The woman turned to Reddit to ask if she was being the a**hole for speaking to her SIL like that. Here’s what the commenters had to say:
“She asked your opinion, you delivered.”
“Yep. If she didn’t want your opinion on her name and should not have asked nor criticised your baby’s name.”
“Giving your kids an edgy misspelt name is all fun and games, riiight up until the point where the kid has to start bloody using it.”
“I was ok till I heard the plans for little Inky,” another said.
One wrote, “Her Kree-AY-tiV spelling of names makes me roll my eyes, and you didn’t volunteer your thoughts on the matter, but if she’s one of those people who think children can’t be Ewe-NEEkque unless they have an unusual name, I don’t think anything you say will deter her.”
“Once she started giving you shit about naming your son something “basic” she opened the door wide for you to express your opinion on the ridiculous names she’s chosen for her own children,” another added.
What do you think?
Images: Pixabay