Woman Writes Touching Message To Mum Who Was Harassed While Flying With Her Young Children

Woman Writes Touching Message To Mum Who Was Harassed While Flying With Her Young Children
A Darwin woman wrote a note to a mum flying solo with her kids recently saying “don’t let him spoil your sparkle” after witnessing a man verbally abuse her.
When the Jetstar passenger saw the mum being yelled at by a grumpy man she felt the need to write her message. Kelly was seated near the mother of two children aged between one and three, from Brisbane to Canberra on Jetstar flight JQ656.
Kelly was hoping to give the note to the mum at the baggage collection after the flight but was unable to locate her. Instead she posted the letter to the Canberra Notice Board Group on Facebook in hopes she would see it.
“I really hope this finds you – wherever you are,” the note said. “You’re a good mum, don’t let anyone let you think otherwise. You’ve got this.”
The Facebook post went into more detail about the flight and the incident that had occurred. “To the beautiful mum of two little ones on JQ656 from Brisbane in seats 3D,E,F this afternoon (Sunday 8th Jan),” the message said.
“I’m so sorry that crusty man sitting next to my husband got grumpy. You’re a great mum. You’re so brave flying solo with two little ones. You didn’t deserve his narky comments. I wrote this note and was going to give it to you at baggage collection but couldn’t find you. Just to know that I am in your corner and not scare you from flying again. Don’t let him spoil your sparkle.”
Kelly went on to say how bad she felt for the mum and how she tried to help as much as she could.
“I was in shock and didn’t hear the whole exchange. I did entertain the little girl for the remainder of the flight and offered to watch them if she needed to use the bathroom. Hubby helped her with her bags,” she said.
And in a happy twist of fate, it seems the lovely note got passed on to the mum of two after all by a fellow Facebook member.
“I know who this is and have passed on the message,” the friend wrote.
What a beautiful feel-good story, don’t you think?
Images: Facebook