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How to Get Rid of Blackheads Naturally

Get Rid Of Blackheads Naturally

Blackheads are one of those unsightly things that make their appearance in our teenage years, cause us great embarrassment, and for some will just never leave!

Initially blackheads start appearing due to hormonal changes in puberty that triggers excess oil production from the sebaceous gland. This oil builds up in our pores and gets trapped thanks to dirt, dead skin cells and oil oxidation creating a black ‘plug’. Later in life, our hormone levels may settle, but many lifestyle factors can contribute to blackheads remaining.

There are plenty of simple steps you can take to reduce the appearance of blackheads and to help stop them forming into pimples.

NEVER SQUEEZE BLACKHEADS – Squeezing blackheads will create an open pore that bacteria can enter allowing for the development of pimples as your body attempts to fight the invader.

CLEANSE YOUR SKIN TWICE A DAY – Use a gentle foaming cleanser to clean away dirt and excess oil. I always have one in the shower that I use every morning, and facial wipes that I use in the evening to keep cleansing quick and simple.

NEVER SLEEP WITH YOUR MAKEUP ON – Wearing makeup to bed, clogs pores and does not allow your skin to breathe and heal.

EXFOLIATE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK – Everyday the skin cells on the surface die, and if they are not removed they clog and dull the fresh skin cells underneath. Use a gentle exfoliator that is specifically for facial skin. Never use one that is designed for your body as it will probably be to course. Apply a small amount of exfoliator to your face and with your fingertips gently work the product over your face in light circular motions. Wash off well.

ALWAYS USE A MOISTURISER – A moisturiser specific for your skin type in a vital part of keeping your skin smooth and supple. Many people with oily or problem skin skip this step as they don’t want to add extra oil to the problem. A good moisturiser will actually reduce oil production.

STOP SMOKING – Cigarette smoking produces a fine layer of tar and chemicals that sit on the skins surface, causing more clogging. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen available in your system for healthy cell production.

EASE UP ON CAFFEINE – Your daily coffee fix is a stimulant that actually triggers oil production.

CHANGE YOUR TOWELS AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK – Even though we use our towels after we have just had a shower and washed ourselves, it is amazing how much dirt still remains. If you used a white towel for one week, you would be surprised at the colour of the towel. Bacteria thrive in moist conditions and your towels are wet for an extended period of time after each use. After every couple of days make sure you use a fresh towel so as not to put dirt and bacteria straight back on to your freshly cleaned face.

CUT BACK ON FOODS HIGH IN FAT – Not only do high density fatty foods cause you to put on weight, they affect the condition of your skin.

The following simple spot treatments can be used to help improve the appearance of blackheads and you probably have all of these ingredients in your pantry right now. With all of them, start with skin that has been freshly cleansed and rinse with warm (not hot) water. Have the treatment ready to apply immediately as your skin is absorbent and pores are open from the heat. A small paintbrush or makeup brush that is rinsed and put through the dishwasher between each use is the best way to apply these treatments. After each treatment rinse with warm water and use a gentle cleanser to dissolve.

HONEY – Place a teaspoon of honey into a mug or small dish that has been heated with boiling water (discard water before adding honey). Paint on to the blackhead affected area’s and leave for 15 minutes.

BAKING SODA AND WATER – Mix together to form a paste that can be painted on and leave for 15 minutes.

TOOTHPASTE – Apply directly to the affected area and leave for 20 minutes.

LEMON JUICE AND PINCH OF SALT – This is a great lightener and has fabulous anti-bacterial properties so is really good for inflamed skin. Apply to affected area and leave for 20 minutes.

Clean and clear skin is one of the most attractive features you can have. Looking after your skin does not have to take a lot of time, just simple regular practice will make all the difference, and the most important tip of all, is drink lots and lots of water, as hydrated skin is healthy skin.

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