Guilt-Free Ways to Relax and Unwind Without Blowing the Family Budget #Momentsforme

Guilt-Free Ways to Relax and Unwind Without Blowing the Family Budget #Momentsforme
When was the last time you penciled in time during your busy week to do something just for you?
I’ll hazard a guess that a large percentage of you have a blank look on your face right now.
Taking time out to feed your soul and nurture your spirit is often bottom on your list of priorities, pushed down by parenting responsibilities and the mundane everyday tasks of running a home and family – am I right?
As many women and mums will attest to, it is very easy to fall into the trap of putting everyone else’s needs before your own, but it shouldn’t be. A tired, stressed-out and utterly exhausted mum is far less efficient and effective as a fresh, calm, relaxed mum, that’s for sure.
Dermaveen are challenging women to make time for themselves for the chance to win the ultimate pamper pack: an indulgent self-care weekend away. Interested? All you have to do t is share your favourite indulgence on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #Momentsforme and tag @Mumslounge for your chance to win.
To help you on your way, we’ve put together this list of ways that you can take time out to relax and unwind that won’t blow the family budget (and stir up that pesky Mother-guilt!)
10 Ideas to Help you Relax and Rewind on a Budget
- Plan that much overdue coffee date or lunch with a friend
- Soak in a nice warm bubble bath uninterrupted
- Music is a quick-fire mood booster. Compile a playlist of all of your favourites, but steer away from the sad songs, ok?
- Watch a ‘chick-flick’
- Buy yourself a bunch of fresh flowers – there is just something about a fresh, bright bunch of flowers in your home that lifts your mood, isn’t there?
- Eat dinner by candlelight with your partner after the kids go to bed
- Ignore the pile of clothes waiting to be folded/ironed, and put your feet up and read a chapter of your book or a magazine instead. (Trust me, the washing will still be there later, and you’ll feel much more inclined to tackle it after taking #Momentsforme
- Treat yourself to something when you’re doing the grocery shopping e.g. chocolate, ice-cream etc. Savour it when you’re alone (instead of hiding in the pantry trying to eat it on the quiet!
- Call a friend and chat about everything and nothing. N.B. This should not be attempted with small children around, as from my personal experience they will leave their quiet play to follow you around, shrieking and whining and demanding your attention, just because you are attempting to give it to someone else!
- Download a free meditation app – they are fantastic for helping you to mentally and physically unwind and de-stress. They are also great for listening to just before bed, if you have trouble falling to sleep. (Not so great if you play it an hour before school pick up time, and fall asleep though! Again – from personal experience, set yourself an alarm!)
Enter to win an indulgent spa treatment
Grand prize (1 in total): An indulgent spa treatment for the winner and a friend in NSW, QLD, VIC, SA, WA according to the winner’s location of residence.
Runners-up prize (10 in total): 10 DermaVeen hampers, each containing 11 DermaVeen products and valued at $164 in total.
Competition opens: 06/07/2015, 12:00am
Competition closes: 09/08/2015, 11.59pm
For full terms and conditions click here
Visit the Dermaveen Facebook page
Imagine you had 20 minutes, half an hour, an hour (whatever you can fit into your lifestyle) to yourself to do whatever you pleased, just for you. What would you do?
Okay…now do it!
For your chance to win the ultimate pamper pack: an indulgent spa treatment for you and a friend follow these 3 simple steps:
Upload a photo and share your favourite indulgent moment on Facebook or Instagram. (Alternatively, share it in the comments section below).
Use the hashtag #Momentsforme
Tag @Mumslounge
Good Luck!