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Emma Takes the Vanish Gold 30 Second Challenge PLUS GIVEAWAY

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Urgh! Stains! Don’t you just loathe how one little stain can spell the end for your favourite outfit?

Despite being a mother to five children, I confess, I still run to my own mother to help when faced with a particularly gruesome looking stain. Considering I have five children of my own, it is possible that I knock on my mum’s door clutching whichever item of clothing has been the latest victim, a little too often.

It’s not that I’m lazy. Don’t get me wrong. With a home and business to run, and five children to care for and organise, I wouldn’t know a hot cuppa if it hit me in the face. (Only cold coffee stains for me, thank you!) It’s more a question of time, and if I’m honest, I’m never confident that whatever product is in my laundry at that time, is going to be a match for the stains my family are capable of generating!

So when I was approached to try the new Vanish Gold stain remover and take the 30 second challenge I was a) slightly skeptical b) excited by the prospect of removing a stain in just 30 seconds and c) tempted to send it to my mother to do for me! Ha! Just joking! (Sort of!)

It worked! It actually worked!

Can you believe that?

The Vanish Gold paste dissolved that horrible beetroot stain in just 30 seconds!

Now even I can be a laundry Super Hero in my own lunchtime!


We invited 10 members of the Mums Lounge community to take the 30 second challenge too, and to share their honest thoughts and experiences with the rest of us. You can read exactly what they thought here.




We could all use a little extra help in the laundry department, right? That’s why we are giving you the opportunity to win this Simpson 7kg Front Loading Machine valued at $568

To enter simply complete the entry form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway