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Do You Agree With What This Angry Bride Did To Her Guests?

We’ve all heard the term Bridezilla. When a perfectly sane woman turns into a crazed maniac when she’s about to get married. All rational thoughts leave her body and she becomes possessed with such insanity that she leaves a trail of destruction and false eye lashes behind her!

In a total bridezilla moment, a bride in Minnesota sent her wedding guests a bill for $US75 ($106) after they didn’t turn up to the reception.
One of the missing guests, Jessica Baker, told a US television station that she was unable to attend the wedding because her mum was no longer able to babysit her children.

Jessica was no longer able to attend the wedding

A few weeks after the wedding, Mrs Baker received a bill asking her to cover the cost of her and her husband’s meals.

The bill Mrs. Baker received

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Mrs Baker said in the interview. “[The bill] listed, we would have had two herb crusted fish and there was also a service and tax charge.”
But the bride didn’t end there. The bill also came with a note for Mrs Baker and her husband that read; “This cost reflects the amount paid by the bride and groom for meals that were RSVP’d for, reimbursement and explanation for no show, card, call or text would be appreciated.”
Asked whether she would have reacted the same way, had it been her wedding, Mrs Baker said, “I guess I don’t know what the right answer would have been. What the right thing to do would have been.”

It’s fair to say, Mrs Baker has no plans to send the happy couple a gift.

What do you think? Was the bride justified in sending the bill to her no-show guests?

Photos courtesy of Getty Images and

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage