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Tips on How to Sell Your Family’s Used Shoes Online

Tips on How to Sell Your Family’s Used Shoes Online

In partnership with eBay

Did you know that there are approximately 16.7 million pairs of shoes sitting forgotten and unworn in Australian homes? In fact, a study found that the average woman owns 20 pairs of shoes but only wears five regularly. I bet you can think of a few pairs just off the top of your head that are sitting in your closet barely worn because they were too tight, or too high to walk in comfortably. When you think about the shoes you’ve bought for your children that they outgrew before they had a chance to get remotely close to wearing them out, it’s easy to see how all those unworn shoes could add up to such a large figure.

Instead of letting your family’s unused shoes take up room in your home or allow them to clog up landfill (no pun intended), you could give them a new lease of life and make some extra cash in the process by selling them on eBay.

Although shoes don’t necessarily need to be in mint condition to sell, one thing that you should always do before putting them up for sale is make sure that they are clean. It goes without saying when selling your second-hand items that well-presented things will gain more attention and therefore sell for a higher price than something that looks grubby. So, it really is worth your time to spruce them up by giving them a wipe over or a polish, ensuring the soles are clean and taking out maybe even taking the shoelaces out and giving them a wash.

How selling works

Selling has never been easier with eBay. For some tips on getting started you can check out these super-quick video tutorials on each step.

  1. Snap it– Show off your item with plenty of photos. Use good lighting and make sure all the details (including any flaws) are pictured clearly.
  2. Write it– Fill in as many details as you can – this helps buyers find your item and buy with confidence.
  3. Price it – We’ll give you some guidance to help you pick your ideal (but fair) price.
  4. Post it– After the buyer’s paid, send the item as soon as possible.For contactless selling we recommend using Sendle. Not only does it save you from an unnecessary trip to the post office, it’s more convenient and cost effective.

How to Send Your eBay Parcel with Sendle

  • Create the parcel label and check the buyer’s delivery details are correct.
  • Select ‘pick up.’
  • Package your parcel.
  • Print the label and stick it on the parcel.
  • Have your parcel ready for the driver on the selected pick up date.
  • Tracking details will be automatically updated in your eBay order.

So, why not have a hunt around your house and turn those shoes you know your family will never wear into some extra cash! Not only will you have more space in your wardrobe, you’ll also have money to buy a new pair of shoes! Just kidding! Visit eBay here to get started!

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Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.