Win $200 Voucher to Spend at Coles on eBay Plus a Years eBay Plus Membership

Win $200 Voucher to Spend at Coles on eBay Plus a Years eBay Plus Membership
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Ebay: From Second Hand Treasure Auction Site to Ultimate Online Shopping Destination
It was Labor Day weekend 1995 in San Jose, when entrepreneur Pierre Omidyar wrote the code and launched the ‘experiment’ he’d dubbed ‘AuctionWeb’ from his living room. He wanted to know what would happen if everyone had access to a single global marketplace. He listed a broken laser pointer, which was bought by a collector for $14.83 and the website, which the world would later come to know as eBay, was born!
A week later, autographed Marky Mark underwear was sold for $400 on the site, there have been no shortage of weird and far whackier items auctioned off in the 24 years since. Those of us old enough to remember will no doubt recall the grilled cheese sandwich with the face of the Virgin Mary that sold for $24,000 in 2004, or the piece of gum allegedly spat out by Britney Spears during a concert, that one fan coughed up $14,000 for. Crazy, huh?
It wasn’t long before we were all eagerly trawling the treasures of eBay, placing our first bid and watching the auctions excitedly for a few days to see if we’d won. We could now buy things we’d never thought of, from places we’d never heard of, from people we’d never met! How exciting! Even the rich and famous were at it! Back in 2006 while I was buying Bondswondersuits for my first child, Russian oil magnate billionaire Roman Abramovich was making eBay history (for most expensive item bought) when he purchased a 405 foot Gigayacht for $168 million. Which just goes to show that you can literally buy almost anything on eBay!
These days of course, eBay has even more to offer. Whilst it still offers the thrill of buying second hand items via auctions, a whopping 93% of items listed in Australia are brand new, with the large global and local brands getting in on the action. No wonder it is the most visited retail site in Australia – it’s your one stop shop to browse all of your favourite brands in one place!
You Can Now do Your Grocery Shopping on eBay
In fact, things got just a little more convenient for us eBay shoppers this week, with the launch of Coles on eBay. Whilst Coles has had some listings on eBay since March this year, the offerings consisted mainly of pantry items, beauty products and baby item such as wipes and nappies. The exciting new launch has seen Coles on eBay extend their range of products.
Senior Director, B2C and Advertising, Kristian Haigh, says of the Coles deal, “We’re thrilled to enter the next phase of our partnership with Coles. As Australia’s number one online shopping destination we pride ourselves on offering the best value and selection from grocery to tech and homewares.”
“The addition of fresh fruit and frozen food including everything from milk to bread, means customers can now do their full shop on eBay from the comfort of their own couch.”
Customers will also be able to select a timeframe for their order to be delivered, ensuring that your groceries stay fresh!
How to Get $49 off Your Next Coles Grocery Shop
Between 1 October 2019 and 16 October 2019, eBay Plus customers can get $49 off their first Coles on eBay order over $99. eBay Plus customers will also enjoy a further 5% off every subsequent shop.
To qualify, you must be an eBay Plus member. You can sign up for your free 30-day trial here.
If you decide to continue using the program after this time you will be charged $49 for an annual membership (which given the saving on your first shop equates to being free).
The Benefits of Being an eBay Plus Member
- Double Flybuys points
- Free delivery on orders over $49 from Coles
- Free shipping and returns on millions of eBay Plus items
- Exclusive deals and discounts
- Premium customer service
- Free 30day trial
Win a $200 Voucher to Spend at Coles on eBay, Plus a Free eBay Plus Membership
For your chance to win a $200 voucher to spend on Coles, plus a years eBay Plus membership, download our FREE Spring ebook and then complete the entry form below.
Good luck!
eBay and Coles what can be better