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Is This the Worst Children’s Christmas Present in the World?

Is This the Worst Children’s Christmas Present in the World?

We’re saying yes. Yes it is.

Christmas presents don’t come much worse than this deplorably bad idea.

Who ever came up with such an abomination clearly doesn’t have children, or in fact, know any children at all.

Or perhaps the inventor was a sadist monster? We can’t be sure.

All we know for certain is that if anyone purchases this gift for my child this Christmas, it is a fair indication of the level of hatred that that person has for me personally.

What is the worst present in the world for Christmas 2016?



The blurb for the “Frozen Recorder Fun!” pack promises that learning to play recorder is “easy, even if you’ve never played before! In no time at all, you’ll be playing your favorite songs from the hit Disney movie Frozen.”


The book features a fingering chart, colouring pages, and “easy versions” of the following songs: Do You Want to Build a Snowman?, Fixer Upper, For the First Time in Forever, Frozen Heart, In Summer, Let It Go, Love Is an Open Door, and Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People.

I’m actually kind of worried that my in-laws might think this is great idea. It’s not a great idea at all. Buy my kids that messy-looking whipped cream pie game instead. Or an air horn. Or bath goo. Or some sort of craft kit that involves lots of glitter and paint. Or anything without a volume button. Those are all good options.

But please, no Frozen-themed recorder set. Anything but that.


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!