No time? All you need is 15 minutes!

As a health professional in the fitness industry for over 20 years, I have seen and heard
every excuse. It was not until children landed in my life that I realised how valid many of the
excuses were for so many people. However knowing how important it is to stay healthy,
especially now with 4 children in my life, I decided that I needed to make some adjustments
to my daily routine so that I could continue to look after myself, because if I am not healthy
then I am no good to anyone in my life including myself.
My challenge was to figure out a way to keep up some sort exercise routine without
disrupting the entire day’s flow of events and being the somewhat competitive type, this
kind of challenge was one that really pushed me to my limits.
What it really meant was that I needed to change the way I thought first and foremost
and in doing this, I had to let go of all my old way of thinking around what staying healthy
meant and how much time I had to give. I must say this was one of the best things I could
have done for myself, as it showed me that even just 15 minutes of something active in the
morning was enough to get my metabolism going, which in turn made me FEEL better and
more able to take one the days challenges.
So, knowing what hectic means in the morning, here is a little heart starter that is easy to do
and requires no gym equipment only a CHAIR and 15 minutes of your time.
Simply find a chair and a space and away you go. By doing 5 sets of 10 squats with a one
minute rest between you will find your heart will start working a little and get that blood
flowing, sending oxygen throughout your body and giving you that LIFT we all need in the
morning. The best thing is that if you only have 10 minutes then do 3 sets of 10 instead. I
know if doesn’t seem like much, but that little bit of extra oxygen flowing through your body
makes all the difference to how your mind thinks for the day, so why not just give it a try for
a few mornings and see how you feel!
Repetitions | Excercise | What you Need | Tips | |
10 x | Squats | 1x Chair |
• Back straight |
Nicole Monteforte, born and bred in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, educated at
Kincoppal Rose Bay, and following this achieved the highest distinctions’ for her Bachelor of Physical Educational and Human Movement degree, which was the beginning of her successful career.
Having worn many hats over the years since then, from sales associate, small business owner, change agent, organisational training and development manager to a single mother whilst being a full time company director of one of the world’s largest health club chains, her skills stretch across a huge variety of areas. Nicole’s passion has always been about understanding that maintaining ones health and well-being, is something most people put to the side when they get busy, without realising that it’s not as hard as everyone thinks and more important than anything else one does.
Nicole has now started on a new venture with a small group of industry veterans as an owner and Chief Operating Officer of FitnFast Health Clubs
Nicole’s skills as a leader, as well as her drive and commitment to lead her Teams to success are attributes that have seen her excel in whatever she does.
As a speaker, consultant or valued team member of any company, Nicole is truly a valuable commodity.