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Quick & Easy Beef Brisket Platter Recipe


Quick & Easy Beef Brisket Platter Recipe

It’s lovely to be able to make a meal from scratch, knowing each and every ingredient that is in the meal and feeling pride in pulling something special together. But not everyday. Some days you just need to get a meal on the table and be done with it. Here’s where this awesome beef brisket platter comes into play!

I had a meal very similar to this one at a restaurant that specialised in American BBQ fare. So when I saw a packet of beef brisket “mostly prepared” at the supermarket, I decided to re-create the tasting platter and serve it up for a cool summer meal. And everyone loved it!

And the best part was, it required very little preparation on my part. Here’s what I used:


Enough bread rolls for one per serve, a fresh coleslaw kit (comes with a ranch-style dressing to mix through), a packet of oven chips, a jar of baby cucumber pickles and a packet of pre-slow-cooked beef brisket.

I panicked at about 1pm thinking I’d missed the boat to pop the beef in the slow cooker for the evening meal before I realised that all I needed to do was heat the beef in the oven for 40 minutes before shredding it with a fork and stirring through the American style BBQ sauce. Well, that was too easy! I cooked the chips at the same time, stirred the sauce through the slaw, spooned a couple of pickles onto some plates and before I knew it, dinner was served!


You could switch out other elements for your platter if you like. Think corn on the cobs, a green salad or pasta salad, crisp raw veggie sticks, baked potatoes with sour cream and chives, grilled tomatoes, the possibilities are endless.

Some of my family made little burgers out of their beef and coleslaw, others just picked at it in between mouthfuls of crusty bread. However you choose to eat it, I am sure you will enjoy it as we certainly did!

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!