Meals for Sick Babies

Babies often lose interest in meals when they are unwell. Wondering what to feed your sick baby? The most important thing you can do is to keep up their fluids by giving them lots of little feeds of either their regular milk or cooled boiled water.
Depending on the type of illness there are a few basic tips you can follow:
Clear fluids and Gastrolyte drinks are important to avoid dehydration. Gentle first foods after gastro include banana, rice, apple puree and plain toast.
Plenty of water to flush the system, prune juice and lots of fresh pear (no need to cook it to puree it).
Fever – Regular high-calorie meals to give them some energy as typically feverish babies have little to no appetite. Fluids, fluids, fluids!
Sore throat
Ice cream!
Stuffy nose
Comfort foods such as soup.
All of these ideas apply to just about anyone of any age. Give your little one lots of TLC, lots of quiet time and try not to rush back into your busy lives. Everyone needs to give themselves a good chance to recover properly to avoid a relapse. If you are concerned, please consult your health professional.
Emily Dupuche is a Melbourne mum of three and a self-professed foodie. She loves cooking for her family and has shared her commonsense approach to the introduction of solids in her recipe book, Food Babies Love. Follow her musings on her blog at