30 Great Reasons to get Organised and Uncluttered

Why do Oprah, Martha Stewart, Peter Walsh, Organisers and bloggers worldwide harp on about the benefits and importance of being organised and uncluttered? Well, let me show you. Here are 30 reasons why we want you to organise, unclutter and simplify your home and life:
• You will save valuable time by not looking for missing keys, phones, papers…
• You’ll save money as you won’t be buying duplicates of things you can’t find
• Stress and anxiety levels will be reduced
• Extra money can be made by selling items
• Cleaning and tidying will take a lot less time
• The less stuff you have, the more slowly and deeply you find you breathe
• Getting organised and uncluttered sets a great example for your kids, family and friends
• You’ll be more productive
• Many people find that when they clear out clutter they lose weight and excess emotional baggage
• If you need to sell your home at any time, your job will be much easier and you’ll likely get more money from the sale
• You can donate much of your excess ‘stuff’ and help less fortunate people in need
• You will have more space in your home
• It’s easier to be punctual and reliable when you are not weighed down by clutter
• When you cull and de-clutter you discover the things that you truly love, need and value
• When you get your home organised you feel a sense of pride, achievement and accomplishment
• Surprise visitors and drop-in guests won’t be quite as traumatic (!)
• You will teach your kids and family to appreciate and value their possessions
• When you’re organised and uncluttered you and your family will be happier and more connected
• When you de-clutter you realise that ‘stuff’ doesn’t make you happy
• It’s far easier to be present and in the now when you aren’t surrounded by clutter
• You’ll be more prepared in the event of an emergency situation (fire, medical etc)
• You will improve your physical, emotional and mental health
• By de-cluttering and simplifying your life and home you reduce your footprint on the environment
• Less dusting!
• You will only wear clothing and accessories that ‘fit, flatter, function or feel fabulous’
• You will have better credit as you will likely spend less and pay your bills on time
• You won’t be filled with dread when you need to find a legal document or certificate because you’ll know exactly where you have it filed)
• Your home will look and feel gorgeous and welcoming
• When you get rid of the clutter and excess, you make room for wonderful and fabulous things to come into your life
• And finally, the best reason: When you’re organised and uncluttered you and your family will have more – more time, more laughter, more memories, more connectedness, more happiness, more joy , more love and more time to smell the roses. Promise!
Jen MacCulloch
Founder, Oh So Organised
Jen MacCulloch is the founder of Oh So Organised and is passionate about helping people to organise, de-clutter, simplify and beautify their homes and lives. At Oh So Organised you’ll find practical advice, tips, ideas, inspiration, motivation & products to get your home, family, kids, office, life…simply and gorgeously organised! Oh So Organised makes organising oh so gorgeous, oh so simple, oh so you….Visit our Oh So Organised Facebook page at and our website and blog. Happy organising!