What’s your Mum Organising Style?

Are you a Focused Mum? Supportive Mum? Maybe you’re a Dynamic, Exhausted or Overloaded Mum?
By knowing your Mum Organising Style you will no longer wonder why you are different to your Mum, sister, friend, neighbour or work colleague – and be able to implement the Eight Traits of an Organised Mum in a way that works for you.
This is how each Mum Organising Style rolls!
The Focused Mum
A Focused Mum is quite Zen-like. People constantly comment on how together she is and how she never seems to be frazzled. She knows what a difference being organised makes in her life. Her home is organised and she rarely feels overwhelmed except when there is truly a lot going on. A Focused Mum also knows the value of teaching her children how to be organised.
The Supportive Mum
A Supportive Mum is always putting her family first. She wants them to be consulted in the organising process which makes her feel like she’s in a holding pattern waiting for others to make a decision before she can move forward. She loves her family but has to make a conscious effort to create time for herself. A Supportive Mum recognises the value of her children having jobs but to keep the peace she ends up doing the jobs anyhow so as to keep the house moving forward.
The Dynamic Mum
A Dynamic Mum has lots of projects on the go at the one time. She gets an incredible sense of satisfaction when she gets things done. Her home might feel a little unsettled at times but she has some order in areas that she knows make a difference. As long as the children are fed and clean life is ok! The Dynamic Mum has some processes around how her children help in the home but because enjoying time with them is important getting things done isn’t a priority.
The Exhausted Mum
An Exhausted Mum is pulled in many directions with a lot of demands. She’s juggling a to-do list as long as her arm and feels like life is on top of her on a regular basis. She knows being organised will make a massive difference in her life but she honestly doesn’t know where to start. The Exhausted Mum is at the point of wanting someone to just tell her how to do it – without having to think about it.
The Overloaded Mum
An Overloaded Mum has so many things on her plate that she doesn’t know where to start or what to do. It’s not unusual for her to be so uncertain that she doesn’t know what she wants from her family, life or time. Her goals and direction are unclear and she works super-hard to keep everyone else happy. She does most things around the home because it’s easier than arguing with her children when really what she’d love to do is curl up on a beach with a good book.
So which Mum Organising Style resonates with you? By knowing your Mum Organising Style you will have something tangible to go by, to improve upon, to work toward – and find more clarity in your life.
Sounds pretty good to me!
Owner and Director of Clutter Rescue, Helen Butler is an Accredited Expert Professional Organiser who works with Mums to organise and declutter their space and time. Visit the Clutter Rescue website to do the Mum Organising Style quiz and sign up for a FREE five-day Mini Organising Course.