A Small Step for a Mummy Blogger – A Giant Leap for Womankind!

So, as you may have already heard (if you are a Mum’s Lounge or Jolene’s Mumbo Jumbo fan on Facebook) I am a nominee for the ‘Best Australian Blog Award.’
Exciting, huh?
So I have spent the last few days wracking my brain trying to think of a fun, quirky way to ask you to vote for me. But I’ll be honest…um…I’ve got nothing…
I could tell you that I have always loved to write… (yeah whatever…snore!)
I could tell you how I don’t think I will win but I’d appreciate your support anyway (which would be true, but sounds so cliché).
I could tell you that I want to make my children proud of me, but the truth is they are too young to understand and would probably be far more impressed if I pulled 3 chupa chups out of my handbag. Sad, but true.
So…what I am going to tell you, is this…
Coming even vaguely close to winning would add validity and weight to the theory that I have been feeding my husband for the past eighteen months which is this…
I am in fact a literary genius in the making. A very much undiscovered literary genius of course, but one who will one day write something so spectacular that he will be able to hang up his air conditioning tools, swap his steel toe-caps for thongs, and spend his days surfing instead of working.
However, in order to secure these riches and lifestyle that I have promised TOMORROW, he needs to stack the dishwasher, pair up the clean socks (gawd, how I loathe that job), and throw on a load of washing…TODAY.
A little help with the domestic drudgery will give me more time to be creative, I tell him. It will also make him so much sexier in my eyes. wink, wink
Who knows…if I came even within a whiff of the award, he may even start to believe this crock of shit, and just imagine how awesome that would be – a small step for a mummy blogger, but a giant leap for woman kind!
You can vote for me, by clicking the button below. You can vote for as many as you like, but you can only vote once, so be sure to vote for all of your favourites while you are there.
Bloggers are listed alphabetically, so you’ll find me under ‘J’ for Jolene’s Mumbo Jumbo. (Sorry for the Captain Obvious!)
Oh yeah and THANK YOU!!! You guys ROCK my online world!