Cadburys Creme Egg Ice Cream Recipe – Cheep, Cheep, Oink!

It’s that time of year again when it takes every ounce of self-control in my body (which is obviously very minimal) to stop myself from filling the shopping trolley to the brim with Cadbury’s Creme eggs.
Am I the only one who goes ga-ga for the goo?
It is the only time that I am able to safely walk the biscuit aisle without even giving the Tim Tams a second glance. (Alright, so maybe I do still hover near them a little, but I am able to resist the temptation to touch them, and sniff them, and throw them in the trolley.)
Today I have given in to my gluttony in major fashion.
I have whipped up a combination to die for…wait for it…Cadbury’s Creme egg icecream!
That’s right! Now your listening huh?
I bought a big tub of vanilla ice-cream ~ left it on the kitchen bench just long enough for it to become slightly-stirrable (come on, you know what I mean) and then I cracked three eggs (Creme eggs) into it…oh yeah, and a smashed up Crunchie bar too ~ just because I am a pig!
If you are going to have a treat, you might as well go the whole hog, right?
I bunged it back into the freezer and voila!
Cadbury’s Creme Egg Ice-Cream!!!
(I know, I am a genius!)
Now that’s my kind of recipe – not even I can burn that!
N.B. I just need to figure out how to make Cadbury Creme egg flavoured vodka and I will be in heaven!
Disclaimer: The author in no way accepts responsibility for rips in the seat of your pants due to overdosing on the above recipe. Please remember to gorge yourself responsibly.
So, will you be giving this recipe a goo?