Disney’s Pinocchio REVIEW & GIVEAWAY

Given that Disney’s Pinocchio is now seventy years old, (I know…SEVENTY…can you believe it?) I must admit, I approached putting it on for my children to watch with a slight feeling of trepidation. The wonderful world of animation has grown, evolved and advanced greatly during this time, and I was a little concerned that it might seem a little dated to them.
(You surely won’t find a smoker amongst modern children’s movie characters).
The Woo and Foghorn sat muted with their eyes glued to the screen for the duration, and Bubble showed her appreciation by stopping whatever she was playing with every time a song came on to get up and wiggle.
I must also add that I was especially pleased when both boys agreed that the super-sparkly, beautiful and kind blue fairy looked “like Mummy.” Memories of watching the movie as a small child, and fantasising that I was the blue fairy (and my younger sister was Jiminy Cricket), came flooding back. Unfortunately, this innocent comment on my son’s behalf, backfired somewhat when, spurred on by their comparison, I thought I’d join her in a rendition of “When you wish upon a star.”
“Shhhhhh…Mummy. You are hurting my ears,” said Foghorn grumpily.
“They are bleeding,” said The Woo dramatically sticking his fingers in his ears and falling to the floor in mock agony.
And with that, the compliment was retracted!
Over the last week, we have watched the movie a further three times (with many more requests being denied). Despite, my concerns to the contrary, it has already established itself as one of their current favourites.
I, however, do not share their ability to watch and re-watch a movie over and over and maintain the same level of enthusiasm for it. So as not to go completely insane I am now on the hunt for the hidden Mickey’s within the movie. Whether or not Disney intentionally hid them there, I couldn’t care less. It is less a study in cinematography than an attempt to salvage my sanity
Not that the children are the least bit interested in the extras disc (at their age) but the DVD bonus features is packed with your favourite songs, ‘When you wish upon a star,’ ‘Give a little whistle,’ and ‘I’ve got no strings,’ amongst others. There are fun facts about the movie as you watch it, info on the making of the movie, deleted scenes and much more besides.
So do you want the good news or the bad news first?
The bad news is that you only have a limited amount of time to get your hands on this timeless classic. From the 30th June 2011, Pinocchio will be disappearing back into the Disney vault (along with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs).
The good news is that I have one Pinocchio 70th Anniversay Platinum Edition Blu-ray and DVD pack to giveaway to one lucky reader valued at $49.95.
Blu-ray and DVD Value Pack Bonus Features
All-new Disney View – Utilising Blu-ray technology, audiences can now expand their viewing experience beyond a beloved film’s original aspect ratio. Drawing beyond the borders of classic full-frame cinema, Disney View fills the otherwise dark edges of the screen with beautiful original imagery created specifically to enhance the film-viewing experience.
· Pinocchio Knows trivia challenge
· Pleasure Island carnival games
· Cine-Explore
Entry to the competition is easy. Open to Australian residents only.
Simply leave a comment below telling me who your all-time favourite Disney character is.
The winner will be selected at random on Friday 29th May at 8pm by random number generator.
Good luck!
Disclosure: I received a complimentary review copy of the DVD courtesy of Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment via Aussie Mummy Bloggers. No financial payment was offered nor accepted for this post. All opinions expressed are purely my own.