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Dreading a Good Threading? Don’t!

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Last week, I (of the infamous unkempt brows) was invited to Brow Theory in Hawthorn for a little eyebrow makeover. I say infamous because Hubbster has been known (in his braver moments) to refer to them as hairy caterpillars, and my sister once remarked, “You’re eyebrow hairs are so curly and coarse they are like pubes.” I’m sure I would have (and should have) been offended if I hadn’t been laughing so hard. (Unfortunately, for me, every word was true!)

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So, with that in mind, I am sure you won’t be surprised when I tell you that I graciously accepted their kind offer. In fact, after only recently hearing about threading, I was very curious.

After sharing my intentions on my Facebook page the night before the big day, I was intrigued by the feedback. People had either never heard of it, professed it was painful, or were huge fans and couldn’t recommend it highly enough and didn’t think it hurt a bit. I was intrigued, (and a little confuddled) and so approached the appointment with a mixture of excitement (at having gorgeous brows) and a little apprehension at just how painful it might be.

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The ladies at Brow Theory were very welcoming and it wasn’t long before we were chatting away and sharing some giggles. (A sense of humour of course isn’t essential in a good brow technician, but to me it is important. I can’t abide those serious snooty beauty salons where you start to feel like a hairy freak! Just me?)

Anyhoo, Bridget was very kind about my pube-esque eyebrows and before setting about the threading process suggested a tint (as, although the inner halves of my eyebrows are very defined, the outer halves are very fair (not feral, as I first thought she said! Lol!) and although there is a lot of hair there they are not well defined.

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Another factor that we discussed was whether to have arched brows or smooth ones. Being a bit (cough) lazy, I mean time-poor, when it comes to some areas of personal grooming (aka eyebrows) I was very happy to go with the natural look – which happily is very on-trend at the moment. (Just ask Kate Middleton, if you don’t believe me!)

Next…the defining moment. Bridget set to work with her thin twisted cotton rolling it over my uber-untidy hairlines. I have to say…I was expecting it to be painful, and whilst she agreed that everyone’s experience is different, I didn’t find it painful or even uncomfortable in the slightest. Different and weird, yes, but painful, no. (Winner!)

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The advantage with threading is that the technique allows the technician to remove an entire line of hair, unlike tweezers that only allow you to remove one at a time, and I’ll be honest, I have NEVER attempted a brow makeover at home alone with the tweezers. The thought of wonky drunken-like caterpillars (which is surely what I would end up with) is, to my mind, worse than the unkempt eye-framers that I usually sport.

With regards to waxing, threading not only allows for greater precision and accurate straight lines, it is gentle on the skin….which is perfect for those of us who have sensitive skin (and those of us who don’t like to walk around in public with sore red skin). From my own personal experience I would also add that it may not be as quick, but it is painless. My appointment, including tinting and threading lasted approximately 20 minutes.

Needless to say, I am converted! Never again will you see me with eyebrows that resemble Micheal Jackson’s afro (during the Jackson 5 years) for me, now, it’s WOW BROWS all the way baby!

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(Please forgive my doodgy photography.  My phone has not been feeling very well since I accidentally dropped it on a bridge in Melbourne!)

Brow Theory have salons in Armadale, Melbourne City and Hawthorn.

For more information you can visit their website or follow them on Facebook.

Brow Theory would like to offer Mums Lounge readers $10 OFF eyebrow shaping.

Just mention MUMSLOUNGE when you book to redeem this offer.


Have you tried threading?  Are you keen to give it a try?




Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.