FREE AGL Energy Pop Up Styling Bar – Complimentary Blow wave, Curls or Straightening

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A few weeks ago, my husband and I took Woo, Foghorn and Bubble to visit Coal Creek Heritage Village. As we walked around the old mining town, and in and out of little homes that have been faithfully restored, it occurred to me how different life was at the turn of the century in Australia.
You should have seen the looks of horror on our children’s faces, when my husband and I explained that the people who lived in these modest little homes didn’t have computer games or televisions. No hot showers, no electricity. Nothing! Nada!
It made me reflect on how weall too often take electricity for granted. Many of us don’t really give it much of a thought unless of course we experience a power-outage, do we?
For example, a normal morning for me usually starts with flicking on the kettle, a hot shower and then a cup coffee and some toast and with the kids before making their lunches for school and kinder, and checking my emails. In that first hour of the day alone, I use lighting, the hot water system, the kettle, the fridge, the toaster, my phone, my laptop, the kids have usually turned the television on, and if it is a particularly chilly morning, my husband may have turned on the heating before leaving for work.
If I have time my morning routine may also involve plugging in and using the hair drier and the hair-straightener. I’d like to say I do this every day, but there are more than a dozen people that see me each morning doing the school run that can attest to it being otherwise.
AGL’s Pop Up Hair Styling Bar
If, like me, your tresses could do with some TLC, you’ll be pleased to hear about AGL’s pop up Hair Styling Bar in Melbourne this coming Friday – even more so when I tell you that it is FREE.
AGL Energy is celebrating energy in our everyday lives by offering complimentary hair styling in Federation Square between 7am and 7pm on Friday 19th September, as a reminder of how integral energy is in our day-to-day lives.
All participants will have the opportunity to take a ‘selfie’ besides the giant blue hairdryer to show off their new hairstyle. What’s more, by posting a photo on AGL’s ‘Day in a Life’ Facebook competition, entrants can win cash prizes up to $2,000.
Complimentary AGL Hair Styling Bar
Where: Federation Square
When: Friday 19th September 2014, 7am-7pm
‘Day in a Life’ Competition
If you can’t make it to Federation Square on Friday 19th September don’t worry – you can still enter for your shot at the $2,000 by uploading an image of how you use energy at home in your everyday life on the AGL Facebook page.
For every entry, AGL is donating $10, about a day’s worth of energy for the average household, to a selection of charities.
Entrants can choose from four charities:
St Vincent de Paul Society
The Smith Family
Julian Burton Burns Trust
Cancer Council Australia
How does your energy usage in the morning compare to mine? How many devices or appliances do you usually rely on in the first hour after you wake up?
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by AGL Energy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.