Just Another Manic Monday

My back to school euphoria was intense but sadly shortly lived.
It was only 9.15am on Monday morning, and already I was sensing that thiis week may kick my butt.
The day began much like any other…until little Bubble crawled up into the bed whimpering and with skin the temperature of a freshly boiled kettle.
(Mmmmm coffee)
Then, the full horror of my situation struck me as I remembered the crumpled wet mass of clothes sitting in my washing machine.

“Mummy,” Bubble stood in the doorway watching me do my victory wiggle.
“Yes Baby,” I said scooping her up.
“Bleurgh!” Hot slimy vomit slid down my neck and shoulder and dripped from my earlobe.
I may have dodged the laundry bullet, but I dived straight into the vomit-line of fire.
After a very hasty clean-up, with breakfast on the table and my carrot earrings taken care of, I started to feel like I was back in the driving seat. Sorry Monday, but you will not beat me today!
Of course, by the time we got around to the all-too-familiar hunt for Foghorn’s shoes*, and I watched helplessly as the clock ticked closer to 9am I was less confident. Monday had me on the ropes, and there was only so much ducking and diving I could do before that bitch hit me!
*When I did eventually find Foghorn’s shoes I laughed until I almost cried. And no…you will never guess where…but I will tell you tomorrow. This one deserves a post all of it’s own!
The Woo…finally made it to school…and on time too which was a small miracle in itself considering the mornings events.
As I walked towards of the door of Foghorn’s daycare after dropping him off, I gave Monday the birdie. I did it Monday. You didn’t beat me! <insert evil laugh>
“Um Jolene,” one of the girls at the centre called after me holding out a sheet of paper.
“Thanks,” I said as I skipped out of the door.
I strapped my pyjama-clad Bubble into her car seat and climbed into the car.
“What’s that Mummy?” Bubble asked pointing at the paper in my hand.
“I don’t know honey” I said turning it over.
Dear Parents,
There have been several cases of head lice in the centre…..blah blah, blah.
You win Monday. I’m going to take my poor sick little girl and go back to bed.
Bite me!
Did you slip seamlessly back into the school- morning routine, or will it take some getting used to again?