Why I am LOVING Modibodi’s Leak-Proof, Period-Proof and Sweat-Proof Undies

Why I am LOVING Modibodi’s Leak-Proof, Period-Proof and Sweat-Proof Undies
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Yesterday, some girlfriends and I had a very candid (and most hilarious) conversation on Facebook after one of them shared this post with us and asked us what we thought…

Now, my friends and I are nothing if not broadminded and our friendship is such that we can discuss most things with a level of honesty that some would deem ‘too much information.’ Whilst some amongst us admitted to going without underwear occasionally whilst wearing a dress (not me, I’m way too unco to contemplate that!) all of us expressed incredulity that anyone would find it comfortable to go entirely without underwear on a daily basis.
Who are these women that trust their vaginas not to excrete discharge, menstrual blood, sweat (come on they are apparently hiking) or light bladder leakage (LBL) enough to completely throw all underwear to the wind? To all of us it was unfathomable because sweat, discharge, menstrual blood and for many, LBL are everyday occurrences in the life of someone with a vagina! Good for you if you can go commando with your yoga pants on, but if like my friends and I you would prefer to experience the confidence that comes with knowing that you have things covered (so to speak) in the event of any unexpected activity in your nether regions I think you are going to love Modibodi’s leak-period proof and sweat proof underwear.
For those of you who have followed for a while you may remember me introducing you to Modibodi early last year when I put a pair to the test on the first day of my period, whilst exercising at bootcamp! Talk about putting them through their paces, eh? You can read all about it here. But suffice to say, after trialling the undies, I went ahead and purchased myself another pair and ALWAYS wear them while exercising on my period! Not only do they prevent any embarrassing menstrual leaks, they also lock away any odour, which is especially important to many of us during that time of the month, am I right?

This month I’ve had the pleasure of trialling their Seamfree Bikini undies from the Seamfree Collection. (Which I was very excited about because as I have explained before I cannot cope with having a visible panty line. Just.can’t.do.it.)
So what makes Modibodi underwear so special?
Well, it’s all in the gusset!
They come with two game-changing liners. One for modern periods, heavy discharge and bladder leaks.
And the other (like the Active undies I reviewed last year) for getting hot and gloriously sweaty and never smelly.
So no matter what time of the month it is for you, whether you are a teen just starting your periods, an expectant mum dealing with the extra vaginal discharge that pregnancy brings, or a woman dealing with menstruation or light bladder leakage Modibodi have undies that will allow you to go about your day feeling confident. And the best thing is you don’t have to trade that confidence for feeling sexy and attractive either.
Modibodi underwear is made from high quality natural fabrics and breathable tech-savvy blends (Bamboo, Merino Perform Wool and Microfibre) with the latest in antimicrobial fibres for a soft, silky fit.
You simply have to find a style that you like and then select the right level of protection depending on your flow.
The Modibodi Modifier technology comes in 5 types:
Up to 2.5ml = ½ tampon or ½ teaspoon
For: Occasional discharge and little drips
Feels: Dry and clean, a happy little machine
Up to 5ml = ½-1 tampon or ½-1 teaspoon
For: Light period days, sneezy leaks and snort laughs
Feels: Fresh, protected, sassy and classy
5-10ml = 1 tampon or 1 teaspoon
For: Light-medium period days and for pelvic floor back up from sneaky leaks
Feels: Liberating, your new lifesaver! It’s safe to go panty liner free, to use alone on light-medium period days and nights, or as back-up on heavy period days
10-15ml = 1-1½ tampons or 2 teaspoons
For: Medium period days and moderate leaks, you’re pelvic floor training
Feels: Uber comfy and care free, you’ll never fret about leaks. Use alone on medium period days, or as back up on heavy period days
15-20ml = 2 tampons or 3 teaspoons
For: Medium-heavy period days and overnight leaks
Feels: Sustainable and super safe! Use these babies solo on medium-heavy period days and keep snug as a bug for overnight leaks
Despite having (what appears to be) amazing absorbency superpowers, Modibodi light-moderate absorbency undies actually feel and look exactly like any other pair of undies. Seriously! No one would EVER know the difference! Like I said last time I reviewed them, with all this talk about super absorbency you might be expecting to put them on and feel like you are sitting astride a surfboard with a big wedge between your legs, or pulling on a giant nappy but it’s not the case at all. The fabric is amazingly breathable, light and super comfy. You quite literally have to try them to understand how amazing they are. These undies have the ability to be a REAL game-changer for most women.
Of course, there are profound environmental reasons why discarding the panty liners, sanitary towels or tampons and switching to Modibodi is a good idea, and I do plan to cover that in more detail in the near future, but right here and now I’m LOVING that Modibodi allows women who may struggle with light-bladder leakage, heavy periods, or embarrassing odours to slip on a pair of sensuous undies and go about their day feeling fabulous and confident…and don’t we all deserve that!
You can check out the entire range of Modibodi undies, bras and singlets here.