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The Most Amazing Marriage Proposal You’ll Ever See!

most amazing marriage proposal ever

Unsurprisingly, Valentine’s Day is amongst the most popular days of the year to ‘pop the question,’ with Christmas, and birthdays also featuring highly.

A proposals can be an intimate affair, e.g. over a romantic meal, or a picnic in the park, or can be a grand gesture in a public place – we have all seen those amazing Flashmob proposals on Youtube.  Just watching them makes your eyeballs leak, as you flit between thinking she is the luckiest woman alive, to imagining how in her shoes, you’d probably embarrass yourself by producing a giant snot bubble out of one nostril as you sobbed with joy?

No?  Just me then.

As fabulous as the flashmob proposals are – believe me I have wasted as much time on Youtube watching them as the next romance-strarved woman – there is one proposal that for me stands head and shoulders above the rest, for it’s creativity,  and it’s ability to make you smile so hard you’ll have tears streaming down your cheeks. Seriously! You’ve been warned!

On May 23 2012 Isaac Lamb pulled off the most amazing ‘lip-dub’ proposal to his girlfriend Amy Frankel, with the help of more than 60 family and friends, to Bruno Mars’ “Marry You.’

Still not sure if it’s worth almost 6 minutes of your time?

Bruno Mars himself gave the proposal the thumbs up when he shared the link to the Youtube video with his 9.6 million Twitter followers with the words “Congrats to Isaac Lamb and the future Mrs. I don’t think I could’ve made a better music video for this song. Thank you.”


How did your partner propose to you?


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Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.

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