Our Beautiful Web – DP Conference Debrief

By now I am sure that there is an abundance of pictures floating around the internet from last Friday’s Digital Parents Conference in Melbourne.
But if I had to sum up the day in one picture, one single image, it would look like this…
The usually invisible threads that bloggers weave were evident.
The support and the strength of the interwoven strands of our online lives, of the communities we build, were tangible and real.
The interconnected web we have built glimmered in the sunlight, with the dew like tears of heartache and empathy we shed for Hespera’s Garden.
Is it possible to be both fragile and incredibly strong? I learnt that it was. So very brave and strong even when it may feel like you are falling apart at the seams.
Read Hespera’s Garden’s speech here.
We learnt the true potency and potential power of our words, of our positions, with the conformation from World Vision that they were sending Eden Riley from Edenland to Niger so she can share the stories of famine and survival that the mainstream media prefers to ignore.
I can’t think of anybody who could undertake this task, this responsibility, with more heart and humility than Eden.
But, please, don’t take my word for it. Head over to Edenland and follow Eden’s journey for yourself. Follow it and share it. Share her stories – the people of Niger’s story. Let’s help to give them a voice.
Our beautiful web grew on Friday. New strands have been formed and I have no doubt that they will continue to grow ever stronger, reaching ever further.
We lay it all out for you to see. The love, the laughter, the sadness and the pain. It’s all there. It sets us apart and it connects us. We are unique and we are the same.
On Friday our web came to life.
It was real, and it was freakin beautiful.