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Sea World Resort: Mumma Bear’s Choice

liya henry polar bear cub sea world


liya henry polar bear cub sea world

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There is one thing that you gain from watching animals up close, particularly mothers with their young…and it is that sense that whilst we may think ourselves superior…we are not that much unlike after all.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…first stop? Buffet breakfast at the Shoreline Restaurant at the Sea World Resort where we have been staying – Bubble had Coco-Pops and a delicious looking plate of fruit, whilst I indulged in a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, grilled tomatoes, baked beans…and well, anything else I could fit on that plate! Full or not, I was squashing down a flat white coffee and a french pastry, if it killed me!

Hey, it’s not every day that a girl gets a decent breakfast like that, and doesn’t have to cook it herself or clean up afterwards.

Mothers the world over will tell you, the buffet breakfast is worth it’s weight in gold – everyone eats the food they like, as much as they need, and someone else cleans up after you. That, my friend, is not just a holiday for the family, but a holiday for mum and dad too! (And yes…there is a difference!)

Sea world characters spongebob dora meet greet

So…if you ask Bubble what the highlight of our trip has been she will proudly tell you, (and apparently) in no particular order of preference a) the swimming pool/kids aquatic playground (b) the garlic prawns and king prawns at last nights buffet (which I, much to my embarrassment, had to ask the gorgeous Kellie from ‘Mummy of Style and Substance‘  to peel for her on account of my shellfish phobia, (which no doubt only added to the pleasure factor for Bubble! (c ) a meet and greet with Spongebob at Sea World Resort, and later one with Dora at Seaworld, (d) being able to watch Dora on Nickleodeon in our room at 6am (whilst Mummy tried desperately for a few, much needed minutes of beauty sleep, and (e) seeing baby Henry, the polar bear, at our exclusive little viewing this morning.

And that was when it hit me.

Y’know that maternal instinct we have…it’s not exclusive to humans!

Sea World Henry baby polar bear Liya mum

Nobody watching Henry and his mother Liya play together could contest their bond, and I couldn’t hide the broad smile on my face (and anyone that has ever met me knows that I have a huge mouth, so it is a pretty big smile) watching her cast a watchful parental eye over her precious bundle, whilst also allowing him the space to explore and learn.

Whilst as a first time Mum I could have possibly/maybe/definitely been cast as a helicopter mum, Liya had it down pat, letting Henry play whilst seemingly immersing herself in other things (chewing a bone) whilst all the while watching, but not crowding him.

I don’t know why, but Bubble and I were completely fascinated watching Henry try to retrieve his little red ball (possibly because Bubble had made me watch the youtube footage of Henry playing with it a million times before we arrived…but as usual I digress). Seeing that Henry had tried several times to get his ball from the nook, mum Liya, pulled out the ball with her giant paws whilst he was out of sight, and left it floating for him to find.

No big deal.

I loved that. She let him try. She let him try again, and again and again. She didn’t step in and do it for him. She let him have his time to learn, to try to overcome a difficulty.

But when it wasn’t the focus of his attention, when he was off, bounding around and showing off his new swimming skills, she put that ball where he could enjoy it, as if it had been there all along.

Bubble and I spent the next hour or so running from ride to ride at Sea World, (before she dragged me back to the resort to cool off in the pool.)

And that is where I took my lead from Liya. The Sea World Resort has lifeguards, so although I was always watching just a metre or so away, I could let my little bear, play and jump, swim and have just a little bit of independence to find herself…whilst always under the watchful gaze of mumma bear!

Sea World resort pool kids swim play splash

So, from a regular visitor (and wannabe resident) to the Gold Coast) I would rate the Sea World resort as a great place for families wanting a base to visit the theme parks, particularly those wanting to visit Sea World (which in my opinion, offers the most for children of all ages). There is a designated desk at the resort, with friendly staff ready and willing to help you to plan trips anywhere on the Gold Coast. (To Sea World’s Resort credit we have not encountered one member of staff who has not gone out of their way to be helpful or friendly, from the comedic wait staff at the Shoreline Restaurant, the lifeguard who observed Bubble getting out of her depth, to the energetic kids club carers, or the lovely lady that gave me fresh towels in my room today.

As a mother of a preschooler I also found the close proximity of the resort to the Sea World Resort fantastic. It gave us the freedom to explore the park at our leisure, popping back to our room for a much needed nap when needed, only to attack the park anew the following day. (There is little doubt in my mind that if I had the boys with me, getting them out of the Sea World Resort Water Park to get them to go anywhere would have been a major issue. Nevertheless, Bubble and I have already been talking about bringing her big brothers and Dad back here with us for a visit next year!

Goodness only knows how big, little Henry will be then!

Tell us, have you visited the Sea World Resort? What tops your list of must-do activities?

For more information on accommodation and packages available at SeaWorld Resort please visit the Sea World Resort website

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.





Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.