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The Importance of Me-Time: The 15-30 Minute Daily Pamper Challenge

importance of me time daily pamper challenge

The Importance of Me-Time

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You’ve heard it a million times, so often in fact that it has begun to sound like one of those annoying clichés, but is it really true that you won’t be able to take care of your family if you don’t first take good care of yourself?

Being a parent can be an incredibly busy/stressful/rewarding/challenging role, and unlike other jobs, there is no clocking off at the end of the day.  Let’s face it, in retrospect; the delivery room was the easy part!

As mothers we have this tendency to put the needs of our family before our own, and I guess reading a thousand articles on the subject wouldn’t change that.  It’s just what we do.  But, let’s be honest, how many of us, when given an opportunity to have some time alone to do something special for ourselves, spend at least a portion of that time thinking about the things around the house that we really should be doing instead, or feeling that we are being just a tad selfish for wanting some time for ourselves?

Well, it is time to kick that mother-guilt once and for all.  Not taking care of yourself can lead to dire consequences, and let me tell you from personal experience, mummy burnout is not a fun place to be.  Being a parent, a wife, the cook, the cleaner, (and all those other roles we take on daily) can be mentally and physically taxing, and it is important to reward yourself occasionally for the effort you make in raising your family to be both healthy and happy.

Taking regular time out for yourself is as much for your family as it is for you.  Trust me, everyone will benefit from the more refreshed and relaxed you!

The 15- 30 Minute Daily Pamper Challenge

1513974 740936639280172 1428484106 n‘Me-time’ means different things to different people.  For some people it may mean a massage or a pedicure, or an evening out with friends.  For others, curling up with a book uninterrupted, or soaking in a bubble bath in peace is enough to charge those batteries back up.  Pampering yourself, needn’t be expensive.  So, the way I see it…there really isn’t any excuse why you ladies can’t join me in a 15-30 Minute Daily Pamper Challenge!

The rules are simple.  Each day, you make at least 15-30 minutes for YOURSELF and you do it WITHOUT feeling guilty.

Whether you get up early before the kids wake up, do it whilst they are at school/kinder/daycare, or when they are in bed in the evening doesn’t matter.  Just do it!

Write a list of some of the things you would like to do during that time, it’ll motivate you to think about the things that you enjoy that you perhaps haven’t made time for lately.


importance of me time daily pamper challengeFor example some of the things on my list include:

  • A Saturday morning coffee at a local café with some girlfriends.
  • Paint/draw.  I always loved to do this…when did I stop?
  • Write a letter to a friend overseas.
  • Shaving my legs with my new Schick Intuition Pure Nutrition razor, and then jumping into a freshly made bed early, with a new book (a proper paperback with that new book smell!)
  • Buy self some earphones for iPhone and use the meditation app that I downloaded before Christmas!
  • A soak in a bubble bath with a trashy mag and a glass of red wine.
  • A massage from Hubby! (A girl can dream)
  • An evening walk after the dinner-time-bath-time rush.
  • A visit to the hairdressers.

So, are you in?

What will be going on your list?



Schick for Women Australia are currently giving their Facebook fans the opportunity to win their DREAM DAY OF PAMPERING!  

Schick for Women Australia and Document1



Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Schick Australia.  However all thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.